

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


It's been suggested that I include a list of magazine ISSNs to refer to when adding work to ALCS; would you find that useful?

As I'm still away in the van, it will take me a while to sort this out – unless some of you can help out by adding some details in the comments. I could later transfer those to a separate page/post.

If you have no idea what I'm going on about, you might want to take a look here and here. If you've sold work (fiction or non-fiction) to UK magazines within the last three years, it's worth your while to put in a claim.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Slight change at Allas

There's a change to the postal address to use for invoicing Swedish magazine Allas. It is given on the acceptance email, but if like me you have a template set up, it's easy to miss things like that. Or perhaps I can blame the beautiful, but very warm 6 mile walk I'd taken along the white cliffs of Dover just prior to opening my emails? 

The new address is - 

Aller Media AB
Allas / Lotta Gustavsson
FE 5006
838 77 Frösön

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Woman's Weekly update

Woman's Weekly are particularly interested in seeing more one and two page stories for the weekly magazine, and longer stories of 2,500 to 8,000 for the fiction special.

Most themes are welcome, except for weddings, as they have enough of those for now.

Full guidelines can be found here. (Note there's a new(ish) address.)

My story in the current (July) fiction special is about a rugby coach.