

Saturday, 28 October 2023

Thanks - now and in advance

In a comment on a recent post, Sue referred to this blog as a  'forum where we can ask questions and for help without feeling daft! Such warm support is absolutely priceless.' Thanks, Sue!

Years ago when Kath McGurl ran this blog I found useful information here and got help and encouragement. I'm so pleased that's still continuing decades later. It's not just down to me, not by a long way, and I'm really grateful to those of you who contribute in various ways. The questions and answers, the information, support and encouragement shared here make the time I spend on the blog feel worthwhile.

Thanks to Pamela Gough for the link (posted as a recent comment) to this (very) short story competition from The Writer's Bureau. The prize is one of their courses. Have any of you done a WB course? If so, what did you think of it?

My news

I've recently released a short free ebook. It might seem daft to give books away, but I do have a reason. Unearthing The Truth has the same lead character as my novel Acting Like A Killer and the hope is that some of those who read the free one might go on to buy the novel. 

What do you think of that marketing strategy? Are you tempted to download the free book? (please do!) Would reading a short story you enjoyed encourage you to read a novel featuring the same lead character?

You can download the freebie from Apple or Amazon here. Or get it from other retailers here. The novel is available from those same places, or can be requested through your library.

Downloading the free book and/or telling others about it, sharing posts etc would be very much appreciated, so thank you if you do!

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Over To You


Do you have any womag news?

Any market news? Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Don't forget to check the submissions database for details of which magazines publish fiction under what terms, and how to submit.

Free entry competitions

On the Premises have a flash fiction competition. You have 25 - 50 words on the subject of food, and the prize is $35. You could buy something really nice to eat with that!

Thank you to Sharon Boothroyd for the link to this poetry competition, which offers a £100 prize.

Thanks to everyone for your comments. As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments also show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to provide information for me to share with you.

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Four freebies and six bargains!

 Free entry competition news

Thanks to HB for sending me the details of the details of the latest Best fiction competition. Sorry I can't make the t&cs big enough to read. I think the magazine will still be in the shops.

I may have mentioned the Tom Gallon prize in a previous post, but with £2,000 on offer for 5,000 words I don't want anyone to miss the opportunity. (You need to have had at least one short story published to be eligible.)

 Thanks to Sharon Boothroyd to the link to this flash fiction competition. They want 100 words and are offering a £1,000 top prize.

And thanks to Alyson for this one. You've got up to 5,000 words and any genre you like to try to win $1,000.

Call for submissions

Galley Beggar are currently open for submissions of literary novels, in any genre, by female authors. My style isn't literary, otherwise I'd be tempted to send them my latest effort.

My news

All of my novel ebooks are currently on offer for 99p/99c (usual price £3.49 / $4.99) Offer ends 16th October 2023.

Leave Nothing But Footprints

Sharing a campervan in the beautiful Welsh countryside sounds, idyllic and Jess always gets what she wants – but is Eliot more than she can handle?

Paint Me A Picture

Mavis, aged 53, is finally able to live her own life. Will she survive the freedom to do as she pleases?


Alice has always had the hots for firemen. Is that why Hamish lights her fire, or is it something more?

A romantic comedy with a few flames.

Escape To The Country

Can Duncan the Dishy Tractor driver and Aunt Jayne's love potions mend Leah's broken heart?

A countryside romance.

A Year And A Day

Stella doesn't believe a word the gypsy said about her romantic future, especially the part about proving her predictions are true.

Acting Like A killer

Mystery fan Amelia Watson thinks she's too busy for romance, until she meets Patrick Homes. And she thinks she enjoys murder until she witnesses the real thing.

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Quick update on YOURS

It's been pointed out to me that the YOURS website still shows fiction submission guidelines, and these appear to have been updated within the last few days. I have checked in case either the information I posted recently was incorrect, or there had been a change of policy. Unfortunately that's not the case.