

Saturday, 20 January 2024

Over to you

Do you have any
 writing news?

Do you know any market news? Have you heard about any free to enter writing competitions? Or come across calls for submissions or other opportunities?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome and appreciated. 
As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to answer my questions, or provide information for me to share with you.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Don't forget to check the submissions database for details of which magazines publish fiction under what terms, and how to submit.

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Fiona for the link to this poetry competition. I can't help with the verse, but if you need assistance drinking the prize, you can count on me!

My news

My latest cosy crime novel is out now!

Thank you so much to those who have already ordered, or reviewed it, those who are going to, and everyone who helps spread the word that the book is on sale.

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Updating and free entry writing competitions.

Womag news

TPF have answered some of the questions about their bursary prize, which were raised in my last post and elsewhere, on the fiction editor's blog. Now I understand where the prize money is coming from, I can understand why this prize is for new writers only. 
They've also updated the rules for the competition, which I'm less positive about.

I've started updating my magazine fiction submissions database. If you spot anything which isn't right, or even better have something to add, please let me know (in a comment, email, tweet etc)

Free entry writing competition news

This competition is for the best piece of writing of to 2,500 words (fiction or non fiction) on the theme of language and offers a £3,000 prize.

And here's a poetry one from the same people, with the same prize.

This competition is for stories of 400 - 500 words (written to a supplied prompt) and offers $100 AUD as first prize.

Other opportunities

Thanks to Sharon Boothroyd for this publication opportunity – "The Daily Mirror are now publishing short stories in their community page.
500 words and you need send a photo of yourself. 
There's no fee. 
I guess they'd want stories that reflect modern society in some way. They'd need to appeal to a newspaper readership of both sexes and ages."

If you have books to sell, then having work published in a national paper might be good publicity – but there's no guarantee it will help sales (it didn't for me the one time I tried it). There's also the possibility that publishing credits will help when submitting to agents/publishers, or impress your granny, or just make you happy. 

btw, although they don't pay for fiction, there's a chance to earn money from non fiction stories here.

My news

My cosy, romantic murder mystery, Acting Like A Killer is currently on offer for 99p (or 99c).

If you like cosy mysteries, you might like to sign up for one or more author's newsletters here, and get a free ebook each time.

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Exciting opportunity from The People's Friend

For a while now The People's Friend have been hinting at an exciting new opportunity for writers. Thanks to Liz for solving the mystery by sending me the details. 

I'm not sure why they're doing this, as they're not short of writers, but it really is a great opportunity for someone. If I'd seen this as a new writer I would most definitely have entered.

If you're thinking of having a go, do visit their website to check all the details (I couldn't find the page) to check you're eligible. If you are, I strongly suggest buying the current issue and the special and reading them thoroughly before writing your story. 

Once you have a draft of your story get the next copy, read that and then your story to try to gauge if it fits. As they're asking for something 'suitable for the Friend', I don't think this will be the time to push the boundaries.

Good luck if you do enter!

Update - There's now a post on TPF fiction editor's blog about this. (Thanks,  Alyson)

Monday, 1 January 2024

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year, everyone!

I hope you've had a pleasant time during the festive period. Is it over for you now, or do you carry on until 12th night? 

I'll be continuing to take things easyish until Saturday - then will be back to my normal writing and blogging routine. (Blog posts will be the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, with additional posts for breaking news, guest posts, or anything else which seems appropriate.) Until then, here are a couple of snippets of news.

Womag news

I had a message from Bauer (publishers of Take a Break's Fiction Feast, and other magazines) about invoices. I asked about this and have been assured we don't need to do anything new, it's just that the electronic paperwork might look a little different.

The People's Friend Fiction editor's blog contains details of the stories they're looking for, plus another hint about exciting news.

My news

The first novel in my cosy mystery series is ready for launch later this month and can be pre-ordered now. Currently a few people are reading ARC*s and I'm nervously waiting to find out what they think of it. 

*Advance reader copies. These are books, usually ebooks, sent out to people who volunteer to read and leave an honest review when the book is released. The hope is that this will encourage others to buy it as well as increasing the book's visibility on Amazon. It's not something I've tried before, but is quite common both with Indie and traditional publishers.

Have you made any writing plans for the year ahead? Mine are to continue with my novel series (book 2 is currently with my lovely beta readers and I'm trying to decide which of two possible ideas to work on for book 3). I also plan to get back to writing short stories - both for womags and competitions. I've not written any since the summer, and miss doing them.