

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Tuesday top tip!

Don't forget to back your work up!

I use two drives for backing up my work. On comes on my travels with me. The other stays home, so even if there was a complete disaster I wouldn't lose everything I've ever written. 

I have a 'time machine' feature (it's a Mac thing) which means that, as long as the drive is plugged in, automatic backups will be made, and I can go back to an earlier version if necessary.

How do you make sure you don't lose your work?

Saturday 14 September 2024

More free entry writing competitions


Free entry competition news

The Imison Award (£3,000) celebrates the best in new writing for the medium of audio drama. 

Rosemary Gemmel's blog post includes some flash fiction opportunities.

Here's a crime novel competition. It's open to any adult who's not previously had a novel published. The prize is a $10,000 advance. 

My news

I'm tidying up my poor neglected garden (the pictures were taken on my travels - not at home!) and working on the third book in my cosy mystery series. I've also been thinking about what I want to do when that's finished. 

I've not ruled out writing more Little Mallow books, but I'm going to take a break from it and write more short stories and enter more competitions. That means I'll be searching out more of those to share with you.

My romantic murder mystery, Acting Like A Killer, is currently on offer for 99p (or 99c)

Saturday 7 September 2024

Heading home

By the time you read this, we'll be back in England and heading home from our Scottish adventure. We've had an enjoyable and interesting time, and taken many, many photos!

It's made me think about what I want from my writing life and I'll be making a few changes. Nothing drastic, more a change of focus.

Maybe with the way the womag market is going, I'm not the only person considering a few changes?

Here's a free to enter poetry competition. They're looking for something funny. You can submit text or a video and the prizes are book tokens.

This competition is for short stories. Entrants must have previously had work published. £2,000 is on offer to the overall winner.

Thanks to Alyson for mentioning this one in the comments. "Another free to enter comp here but note "Entrants must be amateur writers, and not selling their work on any platform."

I'm taking part in some more group promotion thingies with other authors - being self published means I need to find ways to reach readers. One way is through a newsletter. The promotions here and here are to, hopefully, entice more people to sign up. Potential readers are offered free ebooks for doing that.

Here is one for sales of mystery, suspense and thriller reads. The books in 
this promotion are all cozy (cosy!) crime available to buy or read through kindle unlimited.

These are Bookfunnel promotions. If you have books to sell and would like to take part in similar promotions, I suggest taking a look at their services.

Is writing books something you do, are considering, tried and stopped, or something you don't fancy at all? (No wrong answers! – it annoys me when people assume short forms of writing are somehow inferior to novel length works.)