

Wednesday, 12 October 2016


You might find this link useful if you're trying to find the ISSN so you can register your stories with ALCS.

You are doing that, aren't you?


  1. Patsy, sorry, I'm being 'blonde'! Are we supposed to be doing this? I didn't know or realise :( Kind Regards Carrie

  2. That's very helpful, thank you. I wish I'd had this to refer to earlier this week when I updated my ALCS account - it would have made everything so much easier.

  3. @ Carrie - You don't have to, but if you're in the UK it's a jolly good idea.

  4. Thanks Patsy, I will have a read....would this be for short stories too? I'm still fairly new to writing though I have always loved it, but only recently had a short story published :)

  5. Yes, I'm doing this. It brings it a nice financial boost every now and then.

  6. Carrie, yes, it goes for stories too. I use it for any letters I get published in magazines.

  7. Good point, Julie - short stories, articles, letteers to the editor and fillers can all count (even items we didn't get paid for if they're in a qualifying publication). They all get listed under 'articles' on the site.


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