

Thursday, 20 October 2016

More on blogs etc

Thanks to everyone who responded to my query about blogs and websites. I've decided to set up a new page for this – eventually, when I get round to it ...

If you know of any blogs or websites you feel might be useful to other womagwriters, please put the link and brief description in a comment. It's fine to suggest your own blog.

I'll post up the list here and it will include the first dozen which are mentioned in comments to this post. As I come across more (and get the time) I'll update it – which could involve deletions as well as additions.

This photo isn't of a blog ... it's a log!

Update. The page is now live. It will be updated with suggestions posted as replies to this post and possibly with other useful ites and blogs I come across.


  1. This is probably horribly out-of-date, but these Writing Resource Links might be useful. Not specifically womag, but for writing in general.

    Apologies for the minute typeface, I obviously haven't worked on my website for some time.

  2. Love your sense of humour!

    Great is you can recommend my ScrivenerVirgin site - and it leads to RedPen - which is all about editing.

    Lots of free resources: editing tips via RedPen newsletters, Simply Scrivener Special webinars (60 mins of Q&A with me). And my EDITING The RedPen Way is free to download on the 6th of each month.

    Enjoy your log (ooh, could it be a chocolate log?).

  3. I find the following helpful
    Submishmash newsletter
    My Little Corner
    Angie’s Desk

  4. Thanks!

    Page has been updated.


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