

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Changes at Woman's Weekly

There's a big, and sudden, change at Woman's Weekly. The entire fiction team of Gaynor Davies, Clare Cooper and Maureen Street are leaving this Friday. I know I'm not alone in being very sorry to hear this and in wishing them well for whatever they do in the future. I'll miss working with them.

An email to 'regular writers' states that 'After 18th August, the person to send your stories to is Danni Dawson'. There's a new email address for those who currently submit by email. If you submit by post, then address them to Danni Dawson at 
Fiction Department
Woman’s Weekly
Time Inc (UK)
161 Marsh Wall
E14 9AP 

I do hope that will be the end of the changes - it might not be.


  1. No word in my email of any changes to the type of stories they require. I hope there won't be as I have a couple about ready to go��


  2. Rather ironic that I had just sent off a story to Gaynor two days ago! I'm not a regular - had previously submitted without success so of course had not heard of changes! Ah well.

  3. Sad news indeed. I have emailed Danni to see if they still have an open door policy on submissions or if they are closing them to those of us who have yet to be published with them.

  4. Goodness. Hardly know what to say... except thank you to them all, and good luck for their futures.
    And, come to think of it, ours too!

    Penny A.

  5. Such a shame. I'll miss them all, esp. Clare.

  6. Very sad news. I'll miss them too too - can still remember the first time I saw Clare's name in my inbox and knew I'd finally succeeded in selling them a story. I know, from attending their workshops, how dedicated they were and wish them all the best.

  7. Yes, I agree, a sad day indeed! The first magazine story I sold was to Woman's Weekly. I can still remember Clare's phone call (in the days before emails) telling me they wanted to buy my story. I wish them all the best for the future.

  8. How must they be feeling tonight at this shocking and very abrupt end to their lives and careers with WW? I can't help thinking something happened 'to' them rather than 'because' of them. Long knives?
    I am so sorry about this. Wish I'd had the e-mail so I could have thanked them properly for all their help and support over 15 years. Wonder why I didn't, since they've bought two stories so recently.
    Anyway, thank you Patsy for reporting on it.


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