

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Back ... for now

The blog got a few unpleasant spam comments yesterday. I deleted them and then got a few more. It wasn't loads, but more than the number of genuine comments I'd got in the entire previous week, which was very disheartening.

Rather then spend what would otherwise have been writing time trying to keep the blog free of the spam, I took it down as a temporary measure. Hopefully that will be the end of it.


  1. I know it must take you lots of time to keep it going even when there isn't spam to deal with, but please keep it up - it's really useful!

  2. Delighted to have access to your blog again, this evening. When I got the 'permission denied' message yesterday and this morning, I was really concerned. As a womag relative newcomer, I have found the information you display extremely helpful. I hope you will have lots more messages of encouragement from people who suddenly realised that they didn't want to do without you!

  3. Hope that's the end of the spam, Patsy. I had to put comment moderation on my blog (thanks to Carol B for suggesting it) because the spam was getting beyond ridiculous.

  4. Glad you are back. I find your blog extremely helpful and encouraging.

  5. Yes, I too got the 'permission denied' message and thought I'd been blocked for some reason! Glad there was a simple explanation and it's now back up and running. It's kind of lonely without it as we womag writers are an elite group and it's lovely to share news and experiences, successes and rejections. Well done, Patsy, for a brilliant blog.

  6. Like Lionshare said, I thought I'd been blocked or hacked for one moment!! So grateful for all your hard work Patsy, be lost without you!

  7. Glad you're back, Patsy - it's an absolute nuisance when too much spam gets through.

  8. Hope that is the end of it Patsy and thanks again for all your hard work in keeping this great blog going. It really is appreciated :-) xx

  9. Thanks for your supportive comments everyone.

    I've not had any spam since, so I think it was just one of those automatic things and it stopped once it couldn't access the blog.

  10. I am one of the grateful would-be womag writers who thought they'd lost you forever yesterday! Thank you fixing things. Your site is very entertaining, Patsy, as well as informative - thank you!

  11. I'm glad you're back! That's ten of us saying that now. I hope it's enough to prove it's worth carrying on.


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