

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Guest post by womagwriter Maggie Cobbett

When I saw that one of Maggie Cobbet's short stories had been published in Love Sunday magazine, I invited her onto the blog to tell us about it.

Although by no means making my whole living at it – and how I envy those who do – I generally only write for paying markets. However, an opportunity occasionally comes along for some free publicity. One such occurred after I failed to win the Love Sunday (colour supplement of the Sunday People) short story competition this year, for which there was a decent prize. I was contacted to see if I’d allow my entry to be used in a future issue. Having enquired about a fee and been told with regret that no budget was available for fiction, I agreed but made it clear that this was definitely a one off as far as I was concerned. A nicely illustrated double page spread of ‘Crocodile Tears’ appeared on 12th November and included my name, website address and, as promised, a plug for my novel. 

Submissions of 1500 word stories on any subject are welcomed, so it’s up to you if you’d like to contribute one of yours on the same basis. If so, the person to contact is Flavia Bertolini. You can email her at

The novel Maggie plugged is Shadows of the Past.


  1. It does annoy me when magazines have no budget to pay writers (and photographers!). Why should we work for free when the editors, printers and publishers get paid?

    Having said that, I can see why on this occasion you agreed, Maggie. I'd have done the same – In fact I do sometimes give away work in exchange for the chance to publicise one of my books.

  2. I wonder how much it would cost to advertise in that magazine? It might be more than you'd have got for selling the story.

  3. Sounds like it was the best thing to do, Maggie.

  4. That's very interesting, Maggie, and it makes sense to have agreed on a one-off basis, especially with a plug to your novel!

  5. Greetings Maggie. Good luck to you and your endeavours. Blessings to you.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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