

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Woman's Weekly update

Danni, the fiction editor at Woman’s Weekly has a request. She says 'it would be really handy if you don't mind - if you put the word count and also whether a story is seasonal - or even if it's cold weather/summer in the subject line.’

This would save her some precious time and therefore help her respond to our submissions slightly more quickly.

Note - WW are currently only taking submissions from those who've been published with them before. Hopefully that situation is temporary. See here for more details.


  1. And also DOUBLE quotes for speech! I completely forgot about this one ...

  2. This isn't related to Woman's Weekly (sorry!) but to the new requirement at You magazine in S. Africa for a scan of overseas writers' passports before payment can be made on accepted stories. This is a new stipulation by the SA banks apparently and fiction editor Lynn Ely assures me that the information will only be shared with the bank in question. Still, I am very doubtful about the wisdom of sharing my passport details (showing photo, ID number, DOB, etc.) this way, given the growth in ID fraud. I've sold around twenty stories to You mag over the past few years and payment has always been promptly made by BACS transfer but this new requirement concerns me. Has anyone else had experience of this and what did you decide to do?

  3. @ Chris - I've not come across this myself, but have heard of it. I'll put your message in a new post if that's OK? I think more people are likely to see it and perhaps answer your query that way.

  4. I also had to send a passport scan to YOU. I wasn't too happy about it, given the insecurity of emails, but I did it anyway as there didn't seem to be an alternative.

  5. Many thanks for this. Is this guidance just for writers who have been published by Woman's Weekly before, or are they accepting unsolicited manuscripts again? (The following message is currently on their website: "Woman’s Weekly Fiction Department regret that, because of recent restructuring, we are having to suspend the acceptance of unsolicited short stories for the time being. Keep an eye out for future postings about this.")

  6. @ Kit - sorry, it's still only those 'on the list' at the moment. I'll amend the post to make that clear.

  7. Hi Patsy, huge thanks for replying and so quickly, and for all the resources x

  8. Sorry, the "anonymous" reply was from me - still getting the hang of this!


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