

Friday, 29 December 2017

The bit in the middle

The few days between Christmas and New Year always have an odd feel to them, I think. I'd assumed magazine editors would all be at home, until I got an acceptance from Woman's Weekly. That made me feel guilty about not working, so I sent off a couple of submissions and got auto responses saying the people concerned would be away from their desks until well into the New Year.

What about you – are you still on holiday or back at work? (If you feel you should be working but can't get motivated, you might like to try this marvellous book .)

Coming soon ... Clare Cooper will be sharing her excellent tips for getting writing fit in 2018.


  1. I haven't written a thing for weeks. I might be a bit rusty when I start again.


  2. I sol£ one to Womans Weekly this week too. Had a terrible Christmas and feeling very down. When that happens, I can write but it comes out wrong. I have to wait until things improve. I had planned to work every day but you know what they say about plans,

  3. I've sold two to Woman's Weekly this last week. Absolutely over the moon. Now I'll have to buckle down and write some more...

  4. @ JS - I'm the same. I've tweaked a few things, but haven't written anything new for a little while. I think it's good to have a breal occasionally.

    @ Linda - I'm so sorry that Christmas wasn't a good time for you. I guess having moved recently was part of the problem? I hope the sale has cheered you up a little.

    @ Alyson - Well done! Yep, better get some more written.

  5. Definitely a time for not working but doing lots of thinking, if not exactly planning yet!

  6. I've done a bit but not as much as I wanted. I had an e-mail from People's Friend so they must be at work this week too.

  7. @ Rosemary - thinking but not exactly planning is what I've been doing too!

    @ Keith - A bit is a lot better than none.

  8. Happy New year everyone. Hope you have lots of writing time and inspiration.

    Christmas still isn't over here in Spain. Traditionally children get their presents from the three kings when they come to visit baby Jesus on the night of January 5th. So I have to produce another round of presents and extra nice food then. This means I have another weird in-between bit now, with no day job until Friday, but lots of domestic stuff to organise. On the other hand, it's not like the pre-Christmas rush, and I'm sure I can fit some writing in somewhere. In fact I'm off to write a blog post or two.

  9. Thanks, But I had already read the book and really I am happy to read the book. It was a good experience to read the novel. I download eBook copy last month for me and read the novel.


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