

Friday, 15 June 2018

Over to You

Here's another monthly random photo for use as a story prompt. 

It's also your chance to share success (or otherwise) ask questions*, report any womag news, tips, advice you may have, or make womag related comments or observations. (If you have news or a question relating to a particular magazine, it's also fine to add it as a comment to the latest post for that magazine.)

*If you can answer these, please do.

Can you remember the first story you ever wrote? Was it any good?


  1. Hi Patsy, I thought you - and the blog - would be interested to hear my good news. Last week Tracey Steel from The People's Friendl sent me the very good news that they are going to publish my novel, Two Estates, as a pocket novel; publication date November 1st. I couldn't be more pleased.

  2. Well done, John! That's excellent news.

  3. Thank you Patsy, much appreciated.

  4. Congratulations John. What fabulous news.

  5. The first story I ever wrote was as a little girl about a magic tree. If you leaned against its trunk you 'fell' into it and had wonderful adventures. Despite my tender years I would have been accused of plagiarism by one EB I feel so maybe a good job I didn't pursue my writing career until many, many years later ;-)

  6. My first story came (something like a petfood!) with 'added rabbit.' My small hero somehow acquired a fluffy animal I certainly hadn't included in my original.

    Still, it made for a heartwarming illustration!

  7. Well done, John. Fantastic news for you. Bet you're over the moon! All good wishes. Kate Hogan.

  8. Well done, John. Congratulations.

  9. Sue, it seems that a lot of writers started off with some kind of fan fiction.

    Penny, I've had details in my stories changed and seen that change in the illustration. My guess is the editor had the illustration already, and has been waiting for a chance to use it.

  10. Thank you to everyone who has congratulated me on my acceptance by the PF. Very much appreciated.

  11. I wonder if anyone knows anything about a magazine Scribble?

  12. I didn't, but I've just looked them up. Hmmm, interesting – think I'll do a quick post on them.


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