

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Guest post and new 'market'

Today's guest is Sharon Boothroyd, who is sharing details of a new (to this blog) short story outlet.

Free Book Publicity
It's great when you come across a free opportunity to plug your book. I stumbled across the Love Sunday fiction slot on social media a while ago.

Love Sunday is the supplement (a magazine) of The Sunday People newspaper. They publish a short story once a week. It's open to any genre.

If your story is chosen for publication, sadly there's no payment for the writer – however, they do offer a free book plug. (An advert in a national magazine or newspaper would cost hundreds of pounds – far more than most of us can earn from selling one story.)

This is a national popular newspaper, so for me, it was worth having a think about finding a home for some unsold womag work and grabbing some precious publicity for our charity e- anthology, Paws For ThoughtMy hubby and I produced this e-book in 2017. Income generated from sales is donated to the RSPCA. 

There's a pick n' mix of fiction, from ghosts and twists, to romance and crime. It includes work from well- known womag writers such as Patsy Collins, Fran Tracey, Alan Williams,Tara Westgate, Beatrice Charles and Jacqui Cooper. Please check out our website for further information:

I was delighted when Flavia (She's in charge of the fiction section) accepted a story of mine called Skin Deep

When it appeared, it was really nicely illustrated and I was pleased with how it was set out. I'm more than happy to consider submitting another story in the future.

If you'd like to submit a story to Love Sunday (who unlike some magazines don't take all rights) they require a max of 1, 500 words. Please email Flavia: f.bertolini (at)


  1. Thank you for taking the time to share this information, Sharon.

    It's very disappointing that a national newspaper won't pay for the fiction they use. That seems very unfair. However I can see why you still felt it was worth submitting to them for the chance to promote your book to a large readership. I'm tempted to do the same myself.

  2. Thanks Sharon and Patsy for sharing this - really interesting.

  3. Many thanks for this, Sharon. I completely agree with Patsy about them not paying writers but also think it might be worth the publicity even as a one-off!

  4. Thanks for this Sharon (and congratulations) and Patsy.

    This is one of those occasions when not being paid, but keeping your rights is offset by the exposure it brings, and as Sharon mentions, couldn't afford otherwise.


    1. I remember that lovely book and you kindly accepted one of my stories Sharon. Would be worth having a go.


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