

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

YOU magazine temporarily closed to submissions

Fiction submissions to YOU magazine in South Africa are currently closed. No story submissions will be accepted until the 1st of July.

The fiction editor Lynn tells me  –

"It’s because I have more stories than I know what to do with and want to make sure I don’t keep writers waiting indefinitely to see their stories in print."


  1. That's going to start happening a lot, isn't it?

  2. Overload is something we writers are getting used to. At least they have let us know. Thanks Patsy.

  3. At least she's honest and up front about it. I presume with a shrinking market for us, fewer mags are going to get more stories.
    Time to concentrate on the novel, perhaps.
    Thank you for checking this out, Patsy.

  4. @ Anonymous – I hope not, but I can see that it might.

    @ Niddy and Bubble – Yes, it's better to know what's going on than just to keep subbing work that an editor won't be able to accept.

  5. Thanks, Patsy. Yes, as Bubble said, time to focus on the novel - or maybe some none fiction writing. Though I can't seem to muster much enthusiasm for writing at all, after the recents 'Rights Grabs'. Good wishes Kate Hogan

  6. Thanks Patsy for passing that on, and nice YOU let us know what the situation is.


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