

Monday, 18 March 2019

Changes at that's life!

A while back I heard there were to be changes at that's life! in Australia, but I've only just had it officially confirmed by fiction editor Judie Durrant.

No stories can now be considered from writers new to the that's life series of magazines.

The quartely Fast Fiction has been shelved, at least temporarily. The new Mega Monthly will carry some fiction, up to a max length of 1500 words. The weekly will continue as before with very short fiction 550-600 words.

There are no changes to the contract.


  1. Thanks for the update, Patsy.

  2. Oh dear, another avenue closed to those of us not yet published. I sent two stories to them some time back but assume that they are not interested as I've heard nothing from them.

  3. New girl on the block18 March 2019 at 15:33

    Related to this, and trying to find a wider market, I took up your suggestion on a previous blog, Patsy, of writing non-fiction fillers/articles, and have just had a 'True Cat Tale' accepted by Your Cat magazine.

  4. Oh goodness, another market contracting... what a shame.
    Thanks for the update, Patsy.


  5. Thanks for the update, Patsy.

    Sad that now an overseas market has closed to new (to them) writers.

  6. Thanks for the update, Patsy. The changes are coming thick and fast these days. (Sadly.)

  7. I've been buying fast fiction for
    years and been looking in heaps of newsagents,ringing places. So thanks for saying as the staff don't even know.

  8. I'm sad to see this magazine has been retired - you know it isn't coming back after being "shelved temporarily".

    The Internet is impacting all magazines, not only short fiction - remember the days when newsagents had whole rows of mags you could choose from? I used to enjoy my weekly trips to the newsagents, selecting five or so magazines to take away with me.

    These days it's barely one corner. My newsagent is now selling candles and soaps.

    Can't stop the progression of technology, but who can help feeling nostalgic?

    Online seems to be the way to go, although even becoming an indie author is a hard market to break in unless you're willing to go all out with self-promotion. I notice some indie authors get together with others and put out their own anthologies of short fiction. Maybe some writers will be interested to try that route.

    Getting yourself established as a name is a big hurdle. But writers need to adapt, IMO. Technology isn't going away and will continue to impact on print magazines.

  9. Well done, NewGirlOnTheBlock for the Your Cat success. They too used to take fiction (I had a story published there in the 100th Edition, years ago) but now only seem to want celebrities to do that - so well done you for 'getting in there' with non-fiction.
    Thanks Tosh, for the (depressing) news that yet another avenue has closed.
    Bea - you've highlighted several other (depressing) truths about Life. The required relentless self-promotion is something I just can't do and so anyone who hasn't already heard of me in the Womag World probably now never will, cos my sewing machine and garden are summoning me to use my creativity with them instead.
    Until, that is, I've completed my perusal of Alex Gazzola's book and start on non-fiction!

  10. Hi Patsy, haven't checked your blog for a while so this is all news to me. I have had one story published with them, so that means I can sub more? I have a contract, I think. I certainly got paid!


  11. I think if you've signed their contract you should be ok.

    Btw, it's REALLY important to know which contracts you've signed and to keep copies! If you don't do that there's a real risk of breaking the terms without realising you're doing it.

  12. Alan C. Williams24 April 2019 at 18:36

    Just heard about this update Patsy. Thanks for letting us know. I've had a couple published this year but the changes are sad and a reflection of the market changes I owe the quarterly Fast Fiction a lot for their support over the years. Without them I would have left the world of Womag many years ago. Once again my sincere thanks for all the work you put into this blog.

  13. @ Alan – I think a lot of us have a particular market which keeps us going – either as the one we have the most success with, or the one we most hope to be published in. It's especially hard when that one makes changes which are less than positive.

  14. Hi

    Can someone please tell me how to find the writers agreement form. I've spoken with 2 people who were going to email it to me but it never came.

    I've searched the web pages for hours without luck. Surely I can't be that stupid!


    Edwina Cartwright

  15. It's not up to you to find the agreement, Edwina. If the magazine want you to agree to any terms, it's up to them to provide the details. Each publisher has different terms - there isn't a standard form you can download.

    When you do get it, don't forget to read it thoroughly and be sure you understand and agree before signing.


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