

Monday, 20 May 2019

Can you help Hazel?

I received the following comment on the latest post about The Weekly News. 

Hi there, following your valuable tips I have been lucky enough to have a story accepted in The Weekly News. Apparently it should be in the current issue (May 18).

Unfortunately being in Australia I can't get hold of a copy. I have some friends in London but so far they have had no luck in finding a copy.. I was wondering if there is a lovely womag writer out there who wouldn't mind picking up a copy and maybe sending me a photo/scan of my story! I sent it in under title of Magic Words but guess it might be changed. Thanks for this blog, it is so helpful. 

Kind regards, Hazel.

Did you see Hazel's story? Are you able to make a scan or photograph it?


  1. Hi Patsy and Hazel. I'm picking up my copy of TWN tomorrow that should have your story in, Hazel. I can email you a pic if you want if you let me have your email address. It's always great to see our stories in print.

  2. I will check in the newsagents today, Hazel, and if your story is in the current issue, will pick up a copy. Be happy to send it over to you once I've read it.

    Chris Sutton

  3. hi I can buy a copy of TWN today, Hazel. If your story's in, I can scan it and email it over.

  4. Thank you very much for the replies! My email is if any of you have any luck! xxx

  5. I got a copy, Hazel - fun story, really liked it. I've sent you an email, so if you email me back with your address, I can post the mag to you.


  6. Thanks to those who offered to help Hazel – Hopefully she'll get to see her story now.

  7. You are a good bunch of writerly folk!

  8. Hi Hazel,
    I'm another writer based in Australia. If this happens again, you can buy single issues of Weekly News and many other magazines (UK and international) online. I've always used one called Newsstand. They deliver to Australia, it takes a few weeks, and you pay a bit extra for the delivery charge, but you can order the particular issue number that you need.

  9. That's good to know, Hazel. I wonder if there's a similar service which works the other way round?


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