

Friday, 24 May 2019

Guest post by Womagwriter Bea Charles

Today's guest is Bea Charles who is kindly sharing details of magazines which accept poetry.

There are not many free submission opportunities for poets in the magazine market and few pay well, if at all. But if you do write poetry and want to see your name in print, and perhaps receive a modest reward, these are the ones I am aware of.

The People’s Friend
By far the largest market for poetry. As well as publishing poems in both the weekly and three-weekly specials, the Friend also use poetry in their Annual and in their Fireside Book.
Payment is £15 per poem, although poems on their ‘Between Friends’ letters page are rewarded with a tea caddy.
Lucy Crichton is the Poetry Editor and she has written this useful blog post on what the Friend is looking for.

Up to one poem per issue on their Meeting Place letters page, plus some poems used in the Annual. These are usually rhyming poems, sometimes but not exclusively humorous, 8-16 lines. Payment is a £10 high street shopping voucher.

Woman’s Weekly
Although they don’t usually publish poetry, Woman’s Weekly in association with the Folio Society currently has a poetry competition. To enter you will need an original coupon from either the weekly magazine dated 28th May or the July issue of Woman’s Weekly Fiction Special. The theme is ‘nature’. The competition is only open to anyone who hasn’t previously had a poem published in print. The three winning entries will be published in Woman’s Weekly and will receive a selection of poetry books.

Requires a more literary style, including themed editions and competitions. Payment is £25 per poem published. Their requirements are here

The Oldie
Runs a free monthly poetry writing competition. Each poem published (usually 4) receives £25 with one winner receiving a bonus prize of Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations. You need to read the current month’s magazine for details of the next month’s theme.

Does anyone know of any more magazines offering free submission / competition opportunities for poets?


  1. The Oldie is on Readly so you don't have to buy the mag if you subscribe.

  2. Thanks, Bea - I've had on in The People's Friend so far and have just sent two more! I think Yours might take poetry?

  3. Useful information, thanks Bea and Patsy for sharing. I've sold one to TPF so far, but fingers crossed for others.

  4. New girl on the block24 May 2019 at 18:32

    Thanks. Good to have a post on poetry. Like Rosemary and Carrie I've had one poem in People's Friend. No luck with Mslexia so far, but I keep on trying. I didn't know that Yours and the Oldie take poems, so those are a couple to try.

  5. @ Bubble: Good point. I’m a great fan of Readly too. It’s useful in researching markets.
    @Rosemary: Yes, Yours do take poetry. They pay in High Street shopping vouchers - not much use if you aren’t a UK resident.
    @Carrie: Good luck with your poetry subs.
    @New Girl: I’ll watch out for your poems in Mslexia- you’ll make it one day, I’m sure!

  6. Thanks for this. I've had a few poems published in TPF Specials and several more allocated to their Fireside/Friendship Book/Annual but I didn't realise the other mags also accepted poetry, good to know as the poetry market is pretty limited, Holly.

  7. Thanks for the information, Bea and Patsy.

  8. @ Holly: You clearly have what the Friend is looking for. Good luck with the other markets if you decide to try them.
    @ Alyson: You’re welcome.
    @ Patsy: Thank you so much for inviting me to guest on the Blog. It’s been fun.


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