

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Magazines which accept unsolicited submissions and My Weekly

I have a story in the current issue of My Weekly.  This magazine is currently only open to fiction submissions from those 'already known' to them. If you're on the list you'll get regular emails listing their current requirements. 

If you're not on the list you may still submit letters and tips (£25 is paid for each one published, except the star letter which earns £50.) 
You can also submit non-fiction and pocket novels. Success with either of these two would mean you could be added to the list if you wished.

Some magazines will consider submissions from anyone, whether or not they've been previously published. Currently these are –

Woman's World
Love Sunday (non paying)
Woman's Weekly (take all rights)
Yours (take all rights)
Ireland's Own
The Weekly News
Prima (take all rights)
The People's Friend
Spirit and Destiny (take all rights)

And now, a word from our sponsor ... My delightful romance, Escape To The Country, is currently reduced the 99p (99c) for the Kindle version. A paperback is available for £7.50 or can be borrowed from some libraries.


  1. Thanks for this, Patsy. Things have changed so much it’s helpful to have a summary of the magazines, and links to the guidelines.

  2. Elizabeth McGinty9 June 2019 at 11:40

    Thanks Patsy very useful information. Such a shame the list is shrinking every year.

  3. Thanks Patsy. Useful to have an update.

  4. Thanks Patsy.
    Although it wasn't on your list, 'In The Moment' mag were open to all writers. I've just discovered that they've now stopped accepting fiction.

  5. New girl on the block10 June 2019 at 17:55

    I have recently had a story accepted by Spirit and Destiny as a new author, so I guess we could add that to the list.

  6. Thanks, everyone.

    @ Sharon. Thanks for the update. The editor did tell me there wouldn't be any fiction for a while, as they were giving away something else with the magazine and not the booklet containing fiction. I hadn't realised this was now permanent. That's a shame.

    @ New Girl. Congratulations on the sale. I'll update the list.

  7. Many thanks for the updates, Patsy - what a shame about In the Moment.

  8. Well done on the story , Patsy - illustration looks lovely, too. Thanks for the updates. Good wishes Kate Hogan


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