

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Spam and comment moderation.

I've been getting a lot of spam on the blog – far more of those than real comments – so I've enabled comment moderation.

I won't be moderating your replies any more than previously, simply checking that they're actual replies to the post, not someone offering any one of a range of dubious services.

When I'm out in the van* I don't get online very frequently, so there may be a delay in any comments appearing. Sorry about that.

Talking of comments, if you leave one anonymously PLEASE try to remember to give yourself a number, initial, nickname etc, so people can easily reply to you.

*the pictures are recent views 'from the office'.


  1. Lovely views from the office. :D

  2. Darn that spam!! Stay in the can where you belong.

  3. What makes me mad about spam is that in this day and age nothing can be done, apparently, to stop the tsunami of it. I would like to see stiff penalties for it. I'm talking prison if particularly excessive - or any clumsy attempt at blackmail. I consider it a form of harassment when persistent.

  4. Very nice photos, Patsy! We've seen lots of lovely butterflies this year.

  5. Lovely photos, Patsy. Nothing much to report here; just carrying on with fingers crossed!

  6. @ Carol – I'm very lucky!

    @ Alex JC – I wish it would!

    @ Alex G – Tsunami is how it feels at times.

    @ Penny – It's been a good butterfly year, I think.


Thanks for leaving a comment. If your comment is anonymous, PLEASE give yourself a nickname, number or initials, to make it easier to reply.