

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Woman's Weekly to stop publishing serials.

I heard a rumour some time ago, and today have had it confirmed that Woman's Weekly are to stop publishing serials.


  1. That seems a slippery slope to ending short stories too :(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a great shame as the serials are the backbone of the magazine and often I've bought it several weeks in a row to catch up with the latest episode. Why would they get rid of a major part of the publication? Maybe to fill pages up with advertisements that bring in the cash, but it's not a good move to my mind. I reposted this as I was down as unknown and as you know you know me quite well...

  4. This does seem a pity! But then, I always preferred the earlier, and perhaps more cheerful serials, anyhow. Must be me age :-) But thanks for the update, Patsy!

  5. Are they heading towards a celebrity-led magazine, I wonder? I stopped reading it as soon as they changed their contract for writers. Shame, as it was once my favourite magazine.

  6. It's sad, it will be a market lost for those writers who continued selling serials to them. It possibly comes down to cost and they'll perhaps use those pages for other cheaper content.

    I stopped reading it last year after they made their contract changes.

  7. What a shame. Another avenue closed for writers. I haven't attempted any serials but they were seemed popular!

  8. @ Carrie – or the magazine ceasing to be published?

    @ Susan and Penny – A real pity. As you say, serials were a major part of the magazine. It won't be the same reader experience without.

    @ Rosemary – Perhaps. Recycling gossip is probably cheaper than original fiction.

    @ Carol – yes, ar real blow for serial writers and I'm sure you're right that this is a financial decision.

    @ Lindsay – I think it's a shame for both writers and readers.

  9. They have no choice but to stop. I'll bet they're simply not getting any submitted now.
    Damn it though, they did pay so very well in 'the old days'.


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