

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Over to you

Please share success (or otherwise!) report any womag news, tips, advice you may have, make womag related comments or observations and ask questions – and answer them too if you can help.

If there's anything you'd like me to make a post about, or you have other ideas for this blog, I'm open to suggestions – although I can't promise I'll be able to implement them all. I'm also happy to hear from people who'd like to write relevant guest posts.

 (If you have news or a question relating to a particular magazine, it's also fine to add it as a comment to the latest post for that magazine.)


  1. I'd love to see a post about writing the ending of stories. It's something I struggle with, as I never feel comfortable just tying up all the loose ends. I want to leave room for possibility and ambiguity... as would happen in reality. However, this can result in a weak ending to a story. I'd like some tips on how to combat this problem and also to hear how other writers feel about this. I hope this seems like a good idea.

  2. @ New Girl – Good idea. Endings are the trickiest part to get right, I think.

  3. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I have an article about freelancing life and approach. Do you accept this piece as a guest post?

  4. @ Janet – I accept guest posts which are relevant to the blog topic.

  5. Top tip to everyone – don't address submissions or queries to 'Dear Sir/Madam' especially in response to something which clearly gives the person's name. It makes it appear that you are sending a generic message to multiple people and don't care enough to personalise them in any way. That in turn doesn't give the recipient confidence that you've taken the trouble to find out what they require, nor that you will provide it.

  6. Sharon Boothroyd19 January 2020 at 14:18

    Endings can be tricky.
    I'd say, for the womag market, it has to be satisfactory. Tying up the loose plot threads is a good way to start.
    Twist endings are the most difficult. I like to surprise myself!If I can surprise myself, I can (hopefully) surprise the reader.
    There's a fine line between misleading the reader and cheating them.
    I'd read lots of womag stories to get a feel of what a mag wants.

  7. Hello, Patsy,
    Delighted to report my latest serial in PF (now called 'The Quest for the Dove Tree') begins this week (25th), a follow-on to 'Flower of Hope.' Nice that the illustrations show the same models as last time! I really enjoyed writing this one, even though perhaps it did take a little longer than usual.

    Would you like a guest post on writing a sequel, perhaps?

    As for endings - well, I would say that however much planning and revision I seem to do, I always end up re-writing the final paragraphs of every story several times. Eventually, (it's a just a gut feeling, I think) you know when it comes right.

    Cheers! Penny A.

  8. @ Sharon – good points!

    ! Penny – thanks. Will be in touch re guest post.

  9. Hi, could someone please help me out. When sending a word count for a short story, should the title be included in this? Also, should you reveal the ending in a synopsis, even if it's a twist?
    Thank you in advance, Holly

  10. @ Holly – titles aren't included in word counts. Although it's good to get as close to the requested word count as you can, you wouldn't have a story rejected if it was just a couple of words open. (It's different for competitions – you have to be precise with those.)

    The general definition of a synopsis is that it covers the entire story, including the end.

  11. Thanks, Patsy.
    Holly :)

  12. Has anyone had the following experience? Subbing to People's Friend and expecting a long wait/no response, twice I've received lightening fast rejections, making it feel as if my story wasn't even read. (One was a competition winner, albeit 'softened' for PF). On a slightly different subject, I subbed 3 stories to Andrew Shaw for Woman's Weekly, W. Own and Woman with no confirmation they were received. I've had many stories published over the years so not unused to how things work, so this is new. Feeling I'm on some mysterious blacklist!
    From Puzzled


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