

Friday, 14 February 2020

Good news from down under!

I've had two emails from Jude, the fiction editor at that's life! in Australia. One a personal reply to my query and another more general one to her writers.

Both say, "there is no need for new contracts and that it was a misunderstanding with Pacific Magazines accounts department."
Anyone who signed the contract issued in 2015, or has signed one since, will be covered by that.


In the personal message she added, "Thanks for bringing this up and glad we got it sorted." And in the other email she thanked those who'd been in contact.

It is worth querying things we're not happy with, sometimes (As happened with YOURS) we do get listened to.


  1. Yup, I've received Jude's email too - major pphew! Nice that she sent a personal email to you too, Patsy. Well done on querying it with her.

  2. Fabulous news, thanks for your hard work, Patsy.

  3. @ Carrie – It's thanks to people not just blindly signing anything, but reading the contract and querying those points they don't underseand, or aren't happy with, that this has been sorted out.

    @ Bubble – I just sent a couple of emails.

  4. Many thanks for chasing this up for us, Patsy. I really appreciate the time and effort it took. It's great news for us womag writers!

  5. Great News, Patsy. Really appreciate your efforts on our behalf. Good wishes Kate Hogan

  6. @ Sharon and Kate – I didn't do a lot.

    Thanks for commenting though, I really appreciate you taking the time.


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