

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Submitting fiction to The People's Friend

Lucy Crichton, fiction editor at The People's Friend, has asked me to share the following on this blog – 

The People’s Friend team are working from home, during the lock down period. The most up-to-date guidelines can be found on our website - and
In essence - published “Friend” authors, please contact your editor in the first instance, before submitting by email.
Unpublished “Friend” authors, please continue to submit by post.
As the situation is changing daily, please continue to check in to the website for the most up-to-date news.

I'm sure we're all grateful to the team for adapting their working procedures and keeping the magazine going during the outbreak. No doubt reading The People's Friend is a huge source of comfort to many readers at the moment.


  1. Jenny Worstall4 April 2020 at 16:48

    Thanks for posting this Patsy. Very helpful!

  2. I thought it was a bit odd having to send an e-mail to let them know you're going to be sending an e-mail but Tracey's latest post explains what information they want.

  3. Thanks for this update, Patsy, and thanks to Lucy and Tracey for the explanation. It must be quite a challenge to juggle such a large undertaking remotely. Well done for doing such a grand job and keeping the stories flowing.

  4. It all goes to show how careful TPF is with submissions which is so nice to hear, I think.
    I had an acceptance and payment from them last week so can confirm the system is working!

  5. Thanks Patsy, and I echo thanks to Lucy and Tracey for explaining things. It's difficult times for everyone at the moment, so it's so nice to know that The People's Friend and everyone working remotely to keep the magazine going, are still there for us.

  6. Useful information, thank you all at The People's Friend

  7. Thanks for continuing with this blog, Patsy, and alerting us to stuff we may have missed on social media. Am currently working on a PF story so this is useful.

  8. New girl on the block6 April 2020 at 12:15

    Thanks. This was an extremely useful post. It's difficult to know how (indeed whether) to submit right now.

  9. Thanks for this Patsy. Helpful as always.


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