

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Your Go

What's happening in Womag land?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Any other news?

Do you have tips to share, questions to ask, or suggestions for this blog?

Feel free to use the photo as a picture prompt. If you'd like other writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.


  1. Just waiting to get my manuscript back from my test readers.

  2. I have 2 stories currently with PF one which submitted back in October so I’m keeping my fingers crossed still for that one and submitted 2 to Yours fiction this week! So fingers crossed all round for this newbie 🤞

  3. I'm thinking about submitting a story or two to Allas, but have absolutely no idea of the kind of thing they particularly like - young romance? Family? Female friendship? And do they go for serious themes or do they like a bit of mischief? If you or any of your correspondents who have had material accepted by Allas could shine any light on this, based on your experiences, I'd be most grateful. Best wishes to Patsy and followers from Eirin Thompson

  4. Hello Patsy and everyone,
    Hope you're all faring well!

    Two recent acceptances with PF. Also submitted another serial outline - but not expecting to hear yea or nay just yet. Unfortunately, that hasn't stopped me drafting and re-drafting a first episode less disciplined than usual at the moment, although that ain't saying much.

    Still, I reckon it's the writing that keeps me away from the telly, and thus saner than I would be otherwise :-)

  5. I had a piece published on the Your Cat blog. I submitted it to the magazine, but it was lockdown related, so the lead time on the magazine wouldn't have worked. As it was on the blog there was sadly no fee, but I got a writer's credit and they made the piece look really attractive, so I'm happy with that in this instance.

    I too would love more info on what Allas want. I've had no joy there so far.

  6. Has anyone an April or May issue of Take A Break Spring Special? Wondering at the name of the short story author. I was expecting a tory of mine in TAB this month, as I've been paid but no sign of it! Thanks. Good wishes Kate Hogan

  7. I'm doing some research for a long crime read for People's Friend and trying to put together ideas for a serial, too. I currently have ten short stories on submission with People's Friend, including one from October (though six are from the last couple of months), so hope to hear something on some of them at some stage.

  8. I sold a story to The People's Friend last week - waiting to be paid this week. Still writing... I must get a story organised for that Best competition you kindly posted about last week, Patsy.
    Take care

  9. Love the pic, Patsy :) As for writing, yes I'm enjoying letting my imagination run free again. I've got a number of subs out with The People's Friend so keeping my fingers crossed there. Also got a story in the June issue of Take a Break. I'll check for your name, Kate, don't think I saw it in there. Had an acceptance with My Weekly so have a story coming out in August. Also continuing with my first attempt at a pocket novel. That's slow going but I'm determined!
    I've only sold one story to Allas - a family one, but have had no luck since. Maybe I should say yet, as you never know ;) Fingers crossed!
    Stay well and stay save everyone.

  10. I have Take a Break's May Fiction Feast, Kate. Was that what you meant by the Spring Special? Which story were you wondering about?

    Well done on the acceptance. Is it me or is sending work in like flinging it into a black hole at the moment? Maybe it's the working from home thing... we're all used to it but editors, maybe not.

  11. Sharon Boothroyd13 May 2020 at 10:53

    In the May TAB special, the story was by Rosemary Hayes.

  12. Elizabeth McGinty13 May 2020 at 10:59

    Hi Patsy hope you are well,

    I had a sale to Ireland's Own last week. Two rejections from PF in recent weeks but another couple still with them including a pocket novel.

    Working on some competition entries and my fourth pocket novel and another full length novel.

    Thank you for the writing prompt.

  13. I sent one to Allas ages ago but have heard nothing. I don't know how long one should give before subbing elsewhere.

  14. I have the May TaB Sharon mentioned above, as I buy them for Rosemary when her work appears - she lives in Australia. Will be sending her the tear-sheets when I can next get to a post office.

  15. Gardening while the sun shines, sorting out long-distance family health issues and finally sitting down to re-read the romcom that was a WIP last year.

  16. Thanks, Carrie, Chris and Sharon. Maybe my story will be in the next edition of TAB. Just thought they only paid on publication now. Thanks again for checking for me. I'm avoiding all shops at the moment so unable to check myself! Good wishes. Kate Hogan

  17. I'll be possibly popping into the local supermarket (popping, ha... that means, queuing for an eternity just to get in) so I'll see if I can spot your story in the latest issue of the mag, Kate. Will leave a message here if it's in.

  18. Thanks, Chris. It won't be in the Take A Break Fiction Special - I have that delivered, but could be in the TAB Special, where they sometimes publish a single short story. Thanks again. Good wishes. Kate.

  19. Kate, I checked the magazines in Tesco yesterday and could see no sign of your TaB Special, sorry. I will go again mid-week, by which time the new ones should have been put out, so will have another look then. Seems to take forever for stories to appear once they've been accepted, doesn't it!

  20. You're very kind, Chris. Thank you. Good wishes. Kate x

  21. Not yet submitted any stories......


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