

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Going up?

Womag News

I'm told the winning short story from Best Magazine's competition is in the current issue. Congratulations to the winner – I don't know who it is, as I've not yet seen a copy. Hopefully there will be a good response from readers, proving to the publishers that people enjoy reading short fiction in their weekly magazine. It appears the magazine may run more short story competitions in the future.

Make sure your ALCS details are up to date, just in case you qualify for a September payment. I'm not sure how they determine who is, but I got one once, so presumably other womag writers might also get lucky.

Free to enter writing competitions

Mountaineering Scotland are running two competitions, one prose (up to 2,000 words) and one poetry (up to 200 words). Entries are to be about mountains or mountaineering. UK residents only. £200 first prize in each category.

I've climbed mountains. Small ones, with paths you can walk along – not the kind of places you need ropes and ice picks. The pictures are from Ben Wyvis, taken a couple of years ago.

If you're based in Scotland, over 40, and an emerging writer, you might like to apply for Scottish Book Trust's bursary which offers lots of help and support, a retreat and £2,000.

The Perito Prize is open to writers around the world. £500 is on offer to the writer of the winning short story, on the theme of accessibility and inclusion. The maximum word count is 2,000.

My news

My latest novel, a romantic crime story, is now in the final stages. I've even done the dreaded synopsis!

If you sign up for my newsletter you'll get a free short story – as well as occasional writing related news, when there's something exciting to report.


  1. Thank you, Patsy. I received money from ALCS last year in September too, usually only March. Gratefully received but I don't understand it!
    Thanks for the comps!

  2. Best available from Pressreader through your library!
    Winner: Jane Ayres
    Runners up: Polly Johnson and Gail Brown.

  3. I had an ALCS payment last time around too, much to my surprise. It more than paid for my subscription, and I'd only given some copies of my short story collection to a few local libraries (in East London and Fenland - we spend our time in two locations. Fortunately I'd donated these before lockdown.)

  4. Elizabeth McGinty12 August 2020 at 21:18

    Thanks for the update re Best Patsy, and for the winners names Jenny.

    Thanks also for competition info and for free story, haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

    Best wishes

  5. Thank you for the short story, Patsy - I could really see that happening! :) Not sure I have a mountains story in me though, although I did do that one next to Snowden a long time ago(Glyder Fawr)- so maybe...,.

  6. Thanks for the story Patsy. Really enjoyed it.

  7. Thanks for all the info, Patsy - and Jenny re: Best winners. Just wondering, if you get an ALCS payent in September, does that mean you get a lesser payment the following March? Might be a daft question but maybe I am daft! Good wishes Kate Hogan

  8. Curses! I'm based in Scotland. Competition closes in September. I'm not turning 40 until October. Other good stuff here, though. Good luck with the new blog!

  9. My local writing group, which is stuffed with self-published and agented authors, was discussing newsletters (and social media in general) on Thursday. Mindboggling stuff but I'm tickled to see you offering the free story with newsletter! Just as discussed. Will sign up.

  10. @Alyson – I don't understand about the September payments either.

    @ Jenny – Thank you. I hadn't thought to look on Pressreader.

    @ Cathy – Good timing for the library donations!

    @ Elizabeth – you're welcome.

    @ Marguerite – good luck if you go for it.

    @ Lel -you're welcome.

    @ Kate – Sorry, no idea how they work it out!

    @ Nick – that'll learn you for being so young!

    @ Bubble – Newsletters are often recommended as a way for authors to reach readers. It's too early yet to say if it's going to help me. I'll report back if there's clear evidence it does, or even if it doesn't.

  11. Lots to interest writers, Patsy. Well done and thank you for the trouble you take to keep us updated. Best wishes, Jill


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