

Thursday, 26 November 2020

A complaint, my thanks and some (hopefully) useful info.

The complaint

I've had a(nother) complaint about the blog. That doesn't really bother me. I accept it's not perfect, just as I hope you accept that it's the best I can do and still have time for writing and the rest of my life.

What does annoy me about this complaint is that it wasn't made as a comment to one of my monthly Your Go posts where I invite feedback, but was done by personal email. If you have anything to say about the blog, good or bad, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do it as a comment on the blog. Although I may not always act on them, especially if they'll be time consuming for no obvious benefit, I do welcome suggestions for improvement.

Yours grumpily and quite frankly rather cross.

p.s. You don't need a Google or Blogger account to leave a comment. Start by clicking on 'post a comment' then type your comment in the big box. Then select one of the bottom two of the three reply options. For 'url/name' type your name or nickname into the box which comes up, for 'anonymous' you skip that stage, but might like to add your name to the comment. Then click the orange 'publish your comment' thingy.

My thanks

Thank you very much to everyone who takes the time to leave a comment on this blog. I really appreciate you doing that – if it wasn't for these comments I wouldn't continue. It's useful too as it gives me an indication of which topics are of interest, it thanks guest bloggers for the time they've spent writing posts, and shows people that the blog is read and might therefore encourage them to share further information. 

And thank you to those people who help with the task of keeping the blog as up to date as it is, by sharing information in comments or emails, and to those who send me links to free to enter competitions. These things are very helpful.

Womag News

Magazines currently accepting unsolicited fiction submissions – 

The People's Friend – You're currently much more likely to be successful, and might get a faster response, with 3,000 word stories.


My Weekly (pocket novels ONLY)


Yours Fiction

Woman's Weekly*

Prima* (via their monthly competition)

Spirit and Destiny*

Ireland's Own

Woman's Way (they don't pay)

* These take all rights. I DO NOT recommend giving up all rights.

Magazines either currently closed to fiction submissions, or who only accept work from an existing pool of writers –

My Weekly (short stories)


Take A Break

That's Life (Australia)

Please note – this information is, to the best of my knowledge, correct at time of writing. If you're reading when it's five years, or even a week, old it may no longer be accurate.

Competition news

Thanks to Alyson Hilbourne for telling me about this competition. There's £50 on offer for a short story of up to 2050 words. You'll have to be quick though, as entries close 1st December (and I forgot to add it to an earlier post!)


  1. I'm shocked to hear that someone complained about your blog. It is your blog and you are free to post what you wish. Or not post. I know very many of us are very appreciative of the time and effort you go to in informing us about womag issues and free competitions. I have benefitted from the information you share, as have many of us. I'm just staggered that someone can be so unkind.

  2. So sorry to hear someone complaining especially personally. You do a brilliant job, full of information and helpful advice.

  3. Can't imagine what they are complaining about. I always enjoy reading your blog.

  4. Elizabeth McGinty26 November 2020 at 09:16

    I can't believe someone would complain about your blog. It's your blog and the content is your decision, you are always open to suggestions/comments. I'm not sure what the complainer's purpose would have been.

    I hope you can brush it off Patsy, and I hope you realise how very grateful we all are to this blog and the time and effort you put in to help your fellow writers.

    Chin up, take care and thank you.

  5. I'm amazed that somebody would complain about your blog. It's a personal space for you to write whatever you like. And I'm in awe that you find the time to do it! Puts me to shame.
    Your Womag news has been a great help to me, both when I was starting out and now.
    Thanks, Patsy.

  6. @ Lindsay – just proves we can't please everybody!

    @ Carol – Thanks. I do my best.

    @ Gill – Yay! Congratulations on working out how to leave a comment. I've now aded in the details for anyone else who might be having problems.

    @ Elizabeth – I'm over my annoyance now, thanks. Still might put the person concerned in a story and throw things at her though!

    @ Dorinda – This blog was really helpful to me when Kath ran it. When she decided she couldn't continue, I wanted it to keep running so it would help others, so took it over.

  7. Thanks for you latest blog. It's really useful for those of us who are still trying to make an impact on the short story market. Please keep going as so many people benefit from this.

  8. What on earth were they complaining about? You do a great job.

    I remember getting a complaint that I hadn't responded to a comment within 30 minutes or so of it being posted -this was on a working day when I was at the day job. Commenter then posted loads more comments, which Blogger flagged as spam, and I got complained at for that.

    You can't please all of the people all of the time, and shouldn't try to.

  9. Such a shame, the list just keeps on getting shorter. Thanks for the update. It's nice to have them all in one place.

    Sorry you had a complaint. 💐

  10. Thanks for all the information you share here. So very useful!! It must be very frustrating to get a complaint but hopefully you know that the vast majority of readers are very appreciative!

  11. Thank you so much for running the blog, Patsy. I can't believe anyone would complain. If they don't like it they don't need to subscribe or read it.
    Both the womag information and competitions are always very welcome. You've just reminded me about the comp I sent you!
    Many thanks

  12. Many thanks, Patsy, for keeping this blog going. It’s my go-to blog for up to date information about the women’s magazines market for writers. I can’t imagine why people want to be grumpy and ungrateful to someone who works so hard for us. Val Williamson.

  13. I love your blog, Patsy, and find it very useful. Please keep on doing what you’re doing.

  14. @ Nicky – As long as people keep leaving comments, I'll keep posting.

    @ Kath – I wonder if it could be the same person?

    @ Diane – It is a shame the market keeps shrinking. I'd love to post about a new magazine publishing fiction.

    @ :-) – It is frustrating that someone doesn't share information or comment on the blog and only gets in touch to tell me what they don't like about it.

    @ Alyson – I almost offered her a full refund, but knew how sarcastic that would sound. (Love that I'm reminding you about comps you've told me about! Proves that sharing info can sometimes help ourselves as well as others.)

    @ Val – I can understand the grumpiness as I'm that way myself sometimes!

    @ Montholon – As long as people keep showing their interest by leaving comments, I'll keep posting.

  15. Sorry to hear that you have received a complaint, Patsy. You do a great job to the best of your ability and I for one can find no fault in what you offer - lots of information for any writer who subs in the womag world. Please take whatever was said with a inch of salt and thank you for all the updates you post on this blog.

  16. Tell them to blog off.
    You do a great job, Patsy.

  17. You do a brilliant job, Patsy, and I'm sorry I don't come on here more often and say that. Your blog in such a useful source of information and must be used by so many writers. So THANK YOU!!

  18. I really enjoy your blog, Patsy. It's a great resource plus it helps add a sense of community to what can be a somewhat isolating pursuit, however much we love it. Best wishes to you and your correspondents from Eirin Thompson

  19. New girl on the block26 November 2020 at 16:35

    I just want to echo the comments above. The information on your blog enabled me to get started on womag writing, and I enjoy being part of a community which is so generous and supportive of one another's work.

  20. I think my reaction to a complaint about MY blog (and I don't run one as I don't have the wherewithal or enough useful stuff to share), you don't like what I provide? Do it yourself! If you can do better! Or, as others have said above, unsubscribe. What a cheek! By the way, been a bit busy recently dong some of the free comps you have been offering ;) such as the 'Course' Erewash - and have one for the one where you have to use the word 'monitor'. Keeps the brain active! Thank you. :)

  21. No complaints here, Patsy! This has always been the go to place for womag writer's news and you've expanded it to include comp news which is great. Thank you for giving us an update on mags that accept unsolicited stories - really helpful. Keep up the good work 😀

  22. What! I am really appreciative of all the information we receive saving time and effort. Keep up the good work, Patsy. The word karma comes to mind.

  23. @ Niddy – Thank you. Don't worry, I've got my annoyance off my chest and have moved on now.

    @ Keith – I *may* have thought words to that effect at the time!

    @ Jenny – I do think that most readers find it more of a help than a hindrance.

    @ Eirin – You're right, it can feel very isolated at times, especially now. Maybe that's made me extra sensitive?

    @ New Girl – It is nice to feel we're a community with similar aims, and that sometimes we can help each other.

    @ Margeurite – It's great to hear you're trying the competitions. I also like the ones with themes or different requirements which encourage me to write something other than my usual stuff.

  24. It is completely bonkers that you had a complaint about your blog. I have never seen anything remotely offensive on here - indeed, always entertaining and useful. Keep up the great work Patsy.

  25. I suppose whoever it was thought they were being kinder by not complaining "publicly". unless, of course they thought they were likely to get shouted down by other comments...
    Womag was one of the first blogs I "followed" as a newbie writer - back when there were lots of magazines taking newbie writers.
    I still haven't been published in People's Friend, although I have a story currently waiting in the office for someone working from home to go in to collect it (as well as another here waiting for a refusal so I can send it in) having taken up their discount offer earlier this year in an attempt to immerse myself in the genre.
    I've had other minor successes though, in print an online, so encouragement from your womag blog has stood me in good stead.
    (Still waiting for final judgement on my second story shortlisted by Writers' Forum - and, of course, on the story waiting in the office of People's Friend. I have also just self-published a book expanded from a story shortlisted by the National Literacy Trust. My daughter in New Zealand said today - on skype - that she was enjoying it. Not sure about that tone of surprise though...)

  26. @ Lynn – good to know both aspects are useful

    @ Linda – I don't want anything unpleasant to happen to the person, but perhaps they'd like to try creating a similar resource and show me how it should be done? I'd be perfectly willing to benefit from their hard work.

    @ Lel – Nice of you to say it's entertaining. I do try not to make it easy to read.

  27. @ Cathy – You could be right that they thought they were being tactful.

    Congratulations on the 'minor successes' and good luck for the work still awaiting a response.

  28. That's terrible, Patsy! What a nerve they have complaining to you. I often wonder how you find the time to give us such helpful information! And you have an excellent blog.
    I don't always have time to post a response, but I try to when I get a chance. And as requested, I am posting questions these days rather than emailing!
    Thanks for this latest marketing info. I thought People's Friend wanted shorter stories these days?

  29. I find your blog extremely useful. The complainer obviously has too much time on their hands!

  30. I've been following the blog for three years or so and it's been a minefield of useful information and encouragement. Guidelines, comps, up-to-the-minute info on market changes and great guest posts. What's not to like? Thank you, Patsy, for all you do.

  31. What on earth could someone find to complain about in your blog? It's a mine of useful factual information.

  32. I love your blog Patsy and think you do a fabulous job of keeping all of us informed.
    I can't begin to imagine what anyone could find to complain about.
    I would really miss your blog if you stopped doing it as it is so helpful and supportive. A heartfelt thanks for all you do for the womag community.

  33. You do a fantastic job with the blog, Patsy. I agree with all the comments the other womagreaders have posted. Keep on, keeping on, you're much valued for your efforts, friendship and positivity. Thank you. All good wishes. Kate Hogan.

  34. Firstly Patsy - a massive thank you for all you do for us womag writers. I can honestly say I would of given up if it wasn’t for your blog! There are some horrible people in the world so please ignore them and know you are a kind and wonderful person that spreads positivity all around. You have my support and always will. Take care.

  35. Keep up the good work, Patsy. You do a fabulous job. I’m fortunate to have been published twice with Ireland’s Own, making me a ‘paid’ author for the first time, but probably would never have heard of Ireland’s Own if it hadn’t been for the information provided on this blog.

  36. @ Fay – PF do publish shorter stories and will still consider them, but it's the longer word counts which are currently most in demand.

    @ Frances – Then it's a pity they haven't used it to contribute to the blog and make it better.

    @ Julia – Thanks It's helpful to know which posts are useful and/or interesting.

    @ Liz – I'm sure there's plenty people could complain about if they'd prefer to spend their time doing that than sharing useful information and leaving comments to help me learn which posts they did think were OK.

    @ Anonymous – If people continue demonstrating their interest by leaving comments, and help me out by sharing information when they have it, then I'll keep posting.

    @ Kate – That positivity took a dent yesterday, but it's back now.

    @ Charlie – I don't know about horrible, but the email I got wasn't exactly supportive.

    @ Alan – It's wonderful to know that I've played a small part in helping someone get their work published. I still remember the joy I felt at my first acceptances, and seeing my stories in print and I hope to assist more people take the steps which will allow them to experience that.

  37. A complaint? How ridiculously unfair. Unless they're an inveterate Ms Angry of Tunbridge Wells I'm guessing that someone has had enough of lockdown and lost their perpective.
    (Also, I think I'll see if I can brush up something for the 50 competition.)

  38. I can't imagine what anyone could find to complain about! This blog is invaluable.

    Thanks for all your hard work, Patsy, and in particular for this latest list about who's accepting what. (I had lost track.)

  39. @ Bendywriter – I do think lockdowns and concern over COVID has made a lot of us grumpier than usual. Hopefully the vaccine will also improve our moods!

    @ Jackie – It's very easy to lose track!

    As I don't sub to those mags which take all rights, I don't get much info on them, so I'll be especially grateful if people can share any news.

  40. There's always one, isn't there? If nothing else the massive show of support above proves how very much we appreciate you and the womag blog, Patsy. Sorry that I've not been an active contributor for a while - too involved in attempting to finish my pocket novel - but I'm an avid follower and very grateful for all the work you put in keeping us informed.

  41. Hi Patsy
    I have written for that's life Australia for ten years and was sad when it was taken over by Bauer Media. Not one person from the magazine would talk to me and let me know what was happening. I always thought the stories remained mine as I had sold them as first rights. Last week I was upset to see one of my stories published in the magazine. To me, this is stealing, and there is nothing I can do about it.

  42. @ Patricia – The level of support surprised me, as I hadn't realised so many people were still reading this blog.

    @ Rosie – if you have indeed sold only first rights then they're very wrong to republish the story without permission and you certainly could do something about it! Do check your contract though, as most people were asked to sign ones which gave them the right to re-use the stories.

  43. So sorry that someone has taken issue with you about your blog - and via email. I hope they read today's entry and realise they need to do better in future.

  44. I'm so happy to have found this site, it is a treasure trove full of so much exciting content. It would take me a year to amass this on my own. Thank you. Helen (NZ)

  45. I'm shocked to hear that someone complained about your blog. It is your blog and you are free to post what you wish. Or not post. I know very many of us are very appreciative of the time and effort you go to in informing us about womag issues and free competitions.


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