

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

An end to our insecurities?


It's time for the last Insecure Writer's Support Group post of the year – and what a year it's been for insecurities! I'd be surprised to learn that there's been a single person who got through 2020 without feeling insecure at some point. If we've been able to write some of the time, escaping into our work likely helped, but when we've been too anxious for that, not writing may well have added to our worries.

It's been tough at times, but changes are happening – including promising news about a vaccine. I'm confident that 2021 will be better.

This month's ISWG question is – Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?

Yes. Times I'm not stressed by world events are most productive! I also tend to write more in the winter, especially rainy days, when I'm less distracted by things away from my desk. This year that's almost exclusively been my garden.

Competition news

Thanks to Alyson Hilbourne for sending me the details of this free to enter travel writing competition. There's $100 on offer plus publication for the winner. Three other finalists will also be published and receive payment for this. You might be pleased to hear that it doesn't seem necessary to write about
recent travel.

My News

(In case you missed it yesterday.) I've got a new book out. This short story collection would make a nice, easy to wrap gift for anyone who likes food and drink. Get it here.


  1. Writing seasonal stories, I often find myself completely lost in the time of year I'm writing about and come back to 'real' time with a jolt! This also applies to time of day. Is it just me?

  2. Congrats on your new book! Yes, I'm hoping next year will be much better too. And I'm hoping to write more in the winter months like you.

  3. That's a really fun book cover! Congratulations.

  4. Congratulations on your new book, Patsy.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance.

  5. Congratulations again on the book! Yes, here's hoping next year is better.

  6. Congratulations on your new book. Will check it out! For me, living here in the tropics of Mexico, I really don't get those snowed-in days to write, but when the rainy season comes July - November, I use those days the same.

  7. New girl on the block2 December 2020 at 15:41

    A piece of Womag news. I've just heard from Spirit and Destiny that a story they accepted from me in September 2019 is scheduled for publication in August 2021 - so almost a 2 year lead-time! Apparently they have a lot of fiction to work through, so are not accepting new stories for the moment.

  8. I probably have less to distract me in the winter months, so I can get on... but I don't want to get on because I'd rather just hibernate, or complain about the cold, or... generally get distracted! I find it difficult to write anything seasonal out of season - perhaps, like Eirin, I should practise and get in to the zone! ;)

  9. Congrats on the book and the short story contest.

  10. Congratulations on the book Patsy. Though I tried to click on the link and it says the page doesn't exist. Maybe it needs a look. Best wishes.

  11. Congrats on the new book! I hope you have a safe and productive winter.
    Anne from

  12. Congrats on the new book! I want to say next year has to be better because it can't possibly be worse, but I don't want to tempt fate.

  13. Well done on your latest book, Patsy. The annual tally of my writing and submissions is the lowest ever, even though I've had the most time. I'm hoping that the new year will bring better things for all of us.

  14. @ Eirin – Definitely not just you! I also find myself surprised by the weather not being the same as it is in a story.

    @ Natalie – 2021 WILL be better!

    @ J Lenni – Thank you. I like the cover, but I keep getting a craving for Christmas cake. Could just be coincidence.

    @ Alex – I'm certain it will be.

    @ Leigh – It's more rainy season than snowed in here most of the time! We don't always get snow, and when we do it rarely settles.

    @ New Girl – congratulations on the publication, and your patience! Thanks for the info too. I'll see if I can find out anything more.

    @ Margeurite – I don't see anything wrong with writing things in the season they're set in. That helps you get all the little details right, and gives you time to polish ready to submit for the following year.

    @ Mary – Thank you!

    @ Sonia – I don't know what happened as it was working yesterday and looks OK, but you're right, it's not going anywhere now. I'll try to fix it.

    @ Anne – Thank you!

    @ C.D. – Some things will definitely be better.

    @ Linda – More time doesn't always mean more gets done, does it? This year though, I think achieving anything at all counts as a win.

  15. The recent world events have been distracting me as well!

    Congrats on your new book! I plan to check it out!

  16. Congratulations on the book! I agree, there have been times this year when the world has invaded my thoughts and robbed me of my creativity. But I too believe better things are coming in 2021. Enjoy the Holidays!

  17. Hoping 2021 will be better for everyone. Lets hope a nice new fiction magazine opens up!
    Good luck with the book, Patsy.

  18. Congratulations on your recent release! I definitely write more when not in the middle of a pandemic, though I know some people had more writing time instead of less.

  19. Well done on getting another book out there, Patsy. You're a star! Thanks for all your help with everything, too. Good wishes Kate Hogan.

  20. @ Carrie Ann – I suspect more have been distracted than not.

    @ Donna – Things will be better if we all work towards making them that way.

    @ Alyson – That would be great! I suppose it could happen.

    @ Shannon – Yes, these things work out differently for different people.

    @ Kate – *twinkles*

  21. Congrats on the book! Looks great. I do use my writing to make sense of world events to an extent - you can't help things leaking in - but I don't feel ready to write about 2020 yet. Travel feels like a distant memory - we were lucky to get to Hawaii in January but other trips have been cancelled. Here's to a better 2021.


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