

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Over To You!

 Do you have any womag news?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Any other news?

Feel free to use the as a picture prompt. If you'd like other writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

I'd love to hear your competition news.

Have you entered any writing comps? Had any luck? Heard about interesting contests? Got any tips to pass on? (Although I only feature free to enter competitions in my posts it's fine to share news about other competitions too.)

Anyone having a go at self publishing?

Do you have writing tips to share, questions to ask, or suggestions for this blog?


  1. I ve had a good month so far. An acceptance from TPF and one from Irelands Own. I ve started writing my first Pocket Novel too. I ve entered lots of competitions but not had any success on there though. I think Spring has inspired me!

  2. Just finishing revisions on my novel.
    In two weeks the next IWSG will be announced and you might be interested in this one, Patsy!

  3. I'm plugging away at my first draft. Almost to the end of Act II.

  4. I came a runner up in the Best 'crime' story comp and was in their magazine last week. They are running another one with a summer theme - 1200 words by Friday 14th May.

  5. Finishing off a novel before self-publishing on Amazon to join my others! Anyone any top tips about how to market a self-published novel? Would be very grateful for any advice. Thank you!

  6. Several competitions but paying ones - Writing Magazine every month, Write Time for the over 60s but also Furious Fiction (free). I will probably have another go at Secret Attic soon - I love that name!

  7. I've had a couple of acceptances from People's Friend.

  8. I got to the end of my first draft for the last book in my series. The last few thousand words were a forced rewrite due to a data loss, but hopefully it's better this time.

  9. A few acceptances lately which is always lovely to hear. Half way thru a pocket novel but it's a slooooooow process! Well done to anyone who's had acceptances or good news lately :)

  10. Had a couple of acceptances recently and a couple of rejections too. I wanted to see about exploring some of the magazines out of the UK and have looked through the updated list of paying magazines (thanks patsy for doing this) but I can’t find details such as guidelines or submission details for You magazine, woman’s World (US) and Ireland’s own. Just wondered if anyone can help?

  11. New girl on the block23 April 2021 at 09:39

    I've had one acceptance, which is good news.

    And I'm thinking of entering this 'mini contest'

    The Best summer story competition sounds interesting. Does anybody have a link to it please?


  12. @ Chris – Well done!

    @ Alex – Oooh, you've got me intrigued.

    @ Natalie – keep at it.

    @ Alyson – congratulations! And thanks for letting us know. It's always reassuring when people we know have success with these things.

    @ Jenny – marketing is something I'm trying to learn about myself. Check out David Gaughran – he's got a helpful website and newsletter and a couple of books, which are all free if you sign up. I'm trying some of the things suggested and have seen a small rise in sales.

    @ Marguerite – good luck with them all.

    @ Liz – well done.

    @ Nick – oh no, sorry you lost some data! Well done for reaching the end despite that.

    @ Carrie – well done! Slow progress is much better than no progress.

    @ Charlie – none of these three provide official guidelines. That seems daft to me as it would surely result in them getting submissions which better fit their requirements and therefore save everyone time.

    @ New Girl – link is now in the latest post (26th April)


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