

Sunday, 28 November 2021

No more rehearsals

Free entry competition news

You'll probably have heard the phrases 'life is not a dress rehearsal' and 'there is no planet B'. Both came to mind when I read about the latest competition from Nottingham Writers Studio. You have up to 5,000 words to write your story. There are a range of prizes from £250 for the winner to £15 for highly recommended. As well as the money they'll each get a year's free membership of NWS and have their story published in an anthology. (I was a runner up last year last year.)

My news

My romantic murder mystery Acting Like A Killer is out today! Thank you so much to everyone who has helped (or is about to help) with the promotion for this and/or ordered a copy. As always your support is greatly appreciated.

The ebook will remain at the introductory price of £1.99 ($2.99) for a few more days and then go up to the regular price of £2.99 ($3.99).  It can also be read through kindle unlimited. The paperback version is now available too. You can get it from Amazon, or order through bookshops and libraries. If you do read a copy, I really hope you enjoy it.

I'm no actor, but I have made a video of me reading the first few pages.


  1. Thanks, Patsy. Have taken note of the competition and will give that a try. Can feel the little grey cells at work already:-)

  2. Thanks Patsy. Sounds like a useful competition.

  3. Thanks Patsy, busy reading your story here.

  4. Recently heard that I’m a winner (seems one of several) in Hengistbury Head Writers’ poetry comp, theme Nature. Sorry that I can’t recall if the info came from your excellent blog. Mine was a shape poem in the form of a snake that swallowed a pigeon! Apparently ‘a small prize and a certificate’. It will appear in their forthcoming leaflet. I think this means I am a poet.

  5. Trying to work outside my comfort zone, I have explored writing about climate issues, so this one looks a good one to challenge me: thank you.

  6. Sorry, not anonymous, just not awake ;)

  7. @Jacqueline - I was a winner too! In the short story category. Congratulations!

  8. Elizabeth McGinty29 November 2021 at 13:33

    Thanks Patsy for info, downloaded your new book to kindle yesterday, looking forward to reading it.


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