

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

The inbetween time

It's a funny time of year, isn't it? Some people take time off writing now as they have family commitments or are otherwise extra busy, some are enjoying a welcome break from work and using the time to get lots of writing done, and yet others are just eating cheese, reading and aren't 100% sure what day it is.

How about you? Are you writing? Have you made any writing related New Year resolutions or plans? Personally I'm not writing, but I am doing writing related admin and making plans for 2022 – and eating cheese, obviously!

Womag news

Sadly it seems that Seven Days magazine will not continue. It feels like we're one step forward and two back with womag markets, doesn't it?

Free entry competition news

OK, it's not really news as I think I've mentioned all these in previous posts, but here's a bunch of free entry writing competitions. I think that should be enough to keep you busy until 2022!

The Red Dragon play writing competition offers a £1,000 prize. And there's £500 on offer to the writer of a one act play in this one.

This competition offers paid publication, plus lots of other stuff for science fiction of up to 8,000 words.

You could win an Arvon residential course with this short story competition.

There's £1,000 in vouchers on offer for the winner of this poetry competition. And this poetry competition has a top prize of $2,000.

The prize for this fable writing competition is £500.

This one is for short stories, songs, poetry or visual art and offers a top prize of $1,000 and here's one which offers £1,000 and engraved whisky glasses to the winner.

Why does nobody ever offer cheese as a prize?  I like cheese. And cake. And cheesecake.


  1. That's sad news about Seven Days. I didn't submit to them, but it was good to have another womag market out there. However, when people talked about the lack of availability, the lack of advertising, and the failure to get paid, I did wonder how long this venture would last.

    I've written one story over the past week or so, which I've now submitted. Other than that, I am concentrating on working out my writing goals for 2022.

    All the best for 2022, Patsy, and thanks again for keeping us all up to date with market news via this blog.

  2. What a shame about SevenDays. I did submit a story but heard nothing back (nor received a sub receipt.) I certainly found nothing about it on the Internet apart from your post which didn't bode well. I'm currently wondering whether to submit a story I have to PF and add to my loads of rejections from them!

  3. Oh, no. Such a shame about SevenDays, but as Liz says it was hard to find and had no advertising. I am waiting for a cheque from them...:(
    Thanks for the comps, as ever, Patsy.
    Did you see that Furious Fiction is changing from monthly to four times a year. I guess the huge number of entries they had got too much every month.
    Happy New Year

  4. Oh dear: didn't bode well when I saw their open facebook pages weren't being updated :(
    We used to have a cheesecake club at school where we all swapped recipes :) Back to the People's Friend Trying To Sort Out The Magic Formula time... :( Happy New Year :)

  5. Its a good book (or several) by the fire, a few walks and the chocolates for me. No writing at all at the moment. Sad news about SevenDays, its a pity because it was a nice magazine with a good mix.
    I've just realised that the thing that inspires my writing most is this blog, just being in touch with other writers & sharing successes, rejections etc really acts as a motivator to keep going. Keep up the good work Patsy & enjoy the cheeses - maybe I should try that to up my output.

  6. Oh no about sevendays - they only recently accepted a story of mine and returned the contract. So I’m thinking they won’t be using my story now and I won’t get paid? Gutted. Well I better get in and write a novel them as the short story market is shrinking by the day.

  7. Oh that's such a pity about 7 days.
    I subbed a lot of material there, but had nothing accepted. I've just finished a story that I'd planned to sub there, but I won't bother now.
    So yes, I am writing.
    I'm one those people who enjoy a writing rest but by 27th Dec, I'm ready to get back to my desk!

  8. Hi Patsy - your blog has sadly fallen off my radar - so, so good to see you ... I must reinstate; lots of change happening for us all. Life goes on - blogs do too fortunately - well done for letting us know about publications ... cheers and all the best to you both - Happy New Year and 2022 - Hilary

  9. It's very disappointing about SevenDays. I had one story accepted, but never published, and I liked the magazine.
    I've got back to a little writing, but I'm also enjoying lots of reading time.
    Happy New Year to everyone.

  10. Hi Patsy, I’ve been following your blog for a few years now but I’ve never gotten around to thanking you for all your Womag News and Competition suggestions. I, like many others, really appreciate the work you do on our behalf and the inspiration you give. Sorry it’s taken so long for me to thank you; I’ve never commented on a blog before so I hope I get it right!
    Thank you for telling us about The Secret Attic - I bought one of their anthologies and had a good roam around their website before becoming a member in the week before Christmas. I have entered two of their Weekly Writes (300 words, choose one of three prompts) and I’m delighted to say I’ve been ‘Selected’ both times. The winner and selected stories are published in their print anthologies with authors receiving a .pdf copy. I’m also going to have a go at their Drabble competition. They are excellent exercises to get the creative juices flowing but, with the possibility of publication, there’s even more incentive to have a go.
    Happy New Year to you and your followers.

  11. Thank you for your news updating about Seven Days magazine Patsy, I like others here, submitted and got one published but after 3 follow up emails haven't been paid - yet- but I was starting to suspect reading the comments from others writers (which has been very useful) that as the magazine didn't have much advertising etc how it would fare.
    I am pleased to have got my story in there, however, and bought a copy and have the glory of seeing it there. Focussing on the positives - and I too appreciate your very useful blog
    with all its tips and free to enter comps
    Alyson Faye

  12. Such a shame to hear about the Seven Days magazine, Patsy. I too appreciate the time you take to inform us about news like this, as well as other information. I have a story that I was going to sub to Siobhan last week, but then thought I’d wait until new year. Now I won’t bother. Never had anything accepted, despite subbing. It must be awful to have an acceptance, only for your story to not make it into print. I did buy the magazine most weeks, but as others have said, it was difficult to find - and even I haven’t seen it for a few weeks. Hopefully, 2022 will see better news on the fiction front for us writers.
    Michael D

  13. Thanks for your comments, everyone. Yes very sad news about Seven Days. It seemed for a while that things where picking up a little for womag writers, didn't it?

    I imagine it's really difficult to get people to advertise in, and to stock a new magazine as they'll want to wait and see if it has enough readers to be worthwhile. And it's hard for readers to find it if it's not on the shelf next to whatever they usually buy.

    If I get a reply to my query on payments etc I'll post an update.

  14. @ Liz – good luck with your submission.

    @ Lindsay – As the number of potential markets shrinks, it gets ever harder to get published in those which remain. They're sent so many good stries they can afford to be picky.

    @ Alyson – I hadn't seen that. I expect you're right about the reason.

    @ Marguerite – You've reminded me about a white chocolate and lemon cheesecake a writing buddy gave me and which I've not yet tried.

    @ Jackie – I wish it were better!

    @ Sheelagh – Oh, what a lovely thing to say about the blog! Yes, try cheese. You might also like to try Dundee cake. I find that helpful, especially for TPF stories!

    @ Charlie – gutted is how I feel too.

    @ Sharon – I think taking a break can actually make us more productive in the long run.

    @ Hilary – Lovely to hear from you. It's so hard to keep up with all the blogs, isn't it?

    @ Marian – I firmly believe that reading is one of the most important things a writer can do. I put it way above learning to type and getting a qualification in writing (although admittedly that might just be because I've not done either!)

    @ Kate – Thank you for leaving a comment, which you have indeed done correctly! It means a lot to me to get a response to my posts. Just as with any of my other writing it would feel pointless if I felt it wasn't read.

    Well done on your Secret Attic success.

    @ Alyson – I hope that seeing your story published gave you enough of a boost to keep you writing despite the disappointment about the closing market.

    @ Michael – It is really frustrating to think a story will be published and then that to not happen for some reason (I've had a few of mine held back until the following year) but at least the initial acceptance shows that the work was of publishable quality.

  15. Ha ha will keep that in mind Patsy

  16. Thanks for the update, Patsy - sad news indeed :( I enjoyed reading the magazine so feel gutted we've lost another market. Just got back to writing yesterday which despite seeing my family I missed not doing! Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year and fingers crossed for us writers in 2022.

  17. Hi Patsy - I have promised myself I will never again publish a paperback at Christmas - even though I'm so glad I did! Wishing you and all your lovely followers a very Happy and Peaceful

    Ps - Yes I'm still writing!

  18. Thanks for the update, Patsy. Gutted to read about Seven Days. I wrote a 1200 word short story especially for Seven Days after reading that they were supportive of new writers. Will have to think of somewhere else to send it! Thanks for writing this blog, Patsy and I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas

  19. @ Carrie – It's funny how we miss writing even when we're doing something else we want to do. I guess that's what keeps us going.

    @ Guernsey Girl – congratulations on the novel! I can imagine Christmas releases have their own set of complications.

    @ Sally – It's a real shame. Hopefully you'll find a good home for the story.

    I've heard from Siobhan at Seven Days and will be posting an update soon.

  20. New girl on the block31 December 2021 at 12:51

    Thanks for the update about Seven Days - I had three stories out with them, so will have to re-submit. I must admit, I was a bit disappointed with their content - too may puzzles and what struck me as advertising features, if not direct advertising, so not entirely surprised it's folded.

    No time for writing over the holidays, but lots of good conversations about it with family and friends. I'm now contemplating writing non-womag short stories in 2022. We'll see how that goes....

    Here's wishing everybody a happy and healthy 2022.

  21. Very best New Year wishes to you, Patsy, and to all your correspondents and readers. I hope we all have much writing enjoyment, satisfaction and success in 2022.

  22. @ New Girl – Good luck with your other writing.

    @ Eirin – I hope so too!


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