

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Be a winning writer with the Wergle Flomp Humour Poetry Contest

My guest today is Annie Mydia is joining me today to share information and tips about a fantastic free to enter poetry competition.

Hey funny poets, your humor poem could win $2,000 in the free Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. 

Entries can be on any topic, in any poetic style or format.

In these tough times, Wergle Flomp's mission is to bring side-splitting humor to the world.

Our contest is always free to enter in order to guarantee maximum accessibility. When it comes to humor, we want it all!

So, what makes a winning poem? 

Our judges share observations on past winners: 

"Make it unique, make it yours, make me jealous I didn't think of it myself." Lauren Singer, 2020 

"We try to give equal offense to all belief systems and genders, but not kick anyone when they are down." Jendi Reiter, 2016 

 "The pieces that always get high marks from me are finding the humor in the mundane… the observational glimpses inside the micro-universes we all live in day to day that just make being alive a comedy of absurdity and humanity." Lauren Singer, 2020

Meanwhile, some things that the judges don't appreciate are punching down or themes and satirizations they've often encountered before. You can read the full judges' comments in our past winners directory to get a sense of what we're looking for. 

Concocted a poem that's fiendishly funny?
Submit it on our website by April 1, 2022. 

Good luck, and good laughs!


Please do send in an entry – I'd love one of my blog readers to win this.


  1. Sorry I don't write poetry but I know someone who does the humor well in it.

  2. Eirin Thompson2 March 2022 at 15:52

    Even though I have no aptitude for writing poetry, I'm delighted to know that this competition exists! Good luck to all who take it on.

  3. Thanks for the links...I'll pass it on to poets.

  4. I can do gibberish (not necessarily inspired, as requested on their spec!) but the 'up to 250 lines' puts me off. I might manage three or four verses of 4 lines each? Hmmm... maybe not for me but good luck to anyone having a go :)

  5. I'm afraid I'm not a poet, but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the blog readers that are.

  6. New girl on the block3 March 2022 at 16:04

    This one sounds way too difficult for me! Good luck to anyone who tries it.

  7. Not for me, but good luck to those who try.

  8. Great prize! I don't think I can come up with anything good enough, but it will be fun to try. JD

  9. Poetry’s never been my thing, but I think the name, Wergle Flomp, is brilliant. A bit like the words and funny phases that pop into my head from time to time, usually at 4am! Good luck to anyone who enters.
    Michael D

  10. I've entered my effort, thanks for flagging this free poetry comp up Patsy.

  11. Elizabeth McGinty5 March 2022 at 11:26

    Thanks Patsy, I've given it a go, nothing ventured and all that!

    Good luck to anyone else entering.

  12. Not sure this contest is in my wheelhouse. But great of you to share it!
    Hope you're having a great weekend! My latest blog post has my theme for the April #AtoZChallenge (I'm writing speculative fiction and looking for prompts).
    There's a Christine Herbert signed-book giveaway from Feb 23 that's about to end over at Operation Awesome.
    March quote: "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." - Mark Twain

  13. I read last year's top three, but must say only one of them actually struck me as being a poem.


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