

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Over To You - and a new market


Womag news
Thanks to Marguerite for passing on details of this interesting new market for short stories, flash fiction and poetry.

Lipstick & Lies is a new magazine, looking for stories between 1,000 and 2,500 words. Full submission requirements are on the website.

I contacted Eva who has set this up to enqure whether this is a paying market and to invite her onto the blog to discuss fiction in the magazine. 

Her response – "As we are brand-spanking new, we are starting off as a non-paying market.
However, should there be plenty of submissions, we will be offering payment at a later stage.
The 'Guest Post' sounds exciting - I shall give that some thought."

Anyone had any kind of response from Stylist? I sent a submission, but haven't had any acknowledgement or reply.

Do you have any womag news?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Any other news?

Feel free to use the as a picture prompt. If you'd like other writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Free entry writing competition news

I'd love to hear your competition news.

Do you have writing tips to share, questions to ask, or suggestions for this blog?

My news

I've published a new collection of short stories called Making A Move.

Here's the blurb – No matter if it’s taking a walk, catching a bus or jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane, the way we move can get us where we want to be.

Our journey could be on land, sea, by air or all in our mind. We might travel with others, get there by ourselves, or need help to make the journey.

The moves we make aren't always from A to B. We may change direction, take steps to improve our lives or start a relationship. We could be the driver, passenger or equal partner in a dance into the future.

Whether they're making a move on someone, moving upwards and onwards, or going round in circles, anyone who doesn't stay put has a story to tell. This book contains 24 of them.

It's available from Amazon as a paperback or ebook, or can be ordered through bookshops and requested in libraries. As always anything you can do to help spread the word will be much appreciated.


  1. Thanks Patsy & thanks Marguerite for details of new submission possibilities with Lipstick & Lies, it sounds like an interesting challenge, pity they don't pay though, I always think even a very small payment feels like an acknowledgement of the work & time put in & gives you that feel good factor when you get an acceptance. Speaking of, I haven't any good news to report which is as much because I have not submitted anything recently other than one to TPF for which I received a rapid rejection which as someone pointed out is better than waiting for months for a response. Good luck with your new book Patsy I don't know how you manage it all, I am in awe, fair play to you.

  2. Sharon boothroyd20 April 2022 at 13:35

    Like everyone else, I've had no response from Stylist mag. I don't know what's happening there.
    It would be good to know, as I've subbed them 2. If they're not suitable, I can sub them elsewhere.
    As for comps - the Best mag comp's next theme is Summer.
    The closing date is 27th May. There's a max of 1, 200 words.
    £500 for the winner, £200 for the 2 runner- ups.
    It's free to enter and writers keep copyright.
    Good luck to all who enter!

  3. I've had a slow start to my writing/subbing year- with a fair few rejections; yesterday I sold a story to Aussie publisher, Colp, a fun lighthearted one about feet! I will try submitting to the new one, you mention, though, Lipstick and Lies. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Yes, I've also submitted to Stylist magazine, but haven't heard anything. I will submit something to Lipstick & Lies. Hope the book sales go well - I've just ordered my copy!

  5. Brand new and wide open.
    Congratulations on the release!

  6. Nothing to report - no successes and no rejections. I too haven’t heard anything from Stylist since submitting a story to them. Congrats on your new release Patsy.

  7. Sold a story to TPF this week, so happy with that. Also very happy they are taking more stories!
    I have not heard anything from Stylist either about a submission I made - although I've no idea if it was the right sort of material for them...
    Shall definitely have a go at the Best competition. I've done most of theirs - had one runner up and have sold a couple of the unsuccessful stories elsewhere.
    Good luck with your book release, Patsy, and happy writing everyone.

  8. I had a sale to TPF a couple of weeks ago, which I was, obviously, happy about.

    Good luck to everyone trying Stylist or Best - I can't, as they're open only to UK-based writers. And good luck with your book release, Patsy - many thanks for keeping us all updated through this blog.

  9. I had a 22h 58m rejection from TPF yesterday, which I half expected. I’ve also just subbed a story to Woman’s Weekly - still waiting to hear when they’ll publish a story that they accepted last September. I’m wondering whether to drop Andrew a gentle reminder? Thanks for all the info, Patsy, and good luck with your book launch.
    Michael D

  10. I could write a book about moving - but it would be a horror story :( Good luck with your one, Patsy - I am sure it will NOT be a horror! I actually won a Weekly Write in Secret Attic - this is new - so many selecteds and no wins thus far :) I have just submitted to Anansi short fiction and trying to get my head round the Parsec and failing. Interesting what was said on these pages on the weekend re Yours rejections - a year is a Really Long Time!

  11. Had an acceptance from My Weekly that I was really pleased about as it was my first submission. Not heard anything from TPF despite several emails enquiring about stories that have been with them for almost 2 years. My first PN was published this month so that was exciting. My second out next week. Despite submissions in double figures I can't seem to get any acceptances from Your Fiction but I ll keep ploughing on. Good luck to everyone who has subs out there!
    Well done on your book Patsy!

  12. New girl on the block22 April 2022 at 07:33

    I've had stories published in Yours Fiction in the past, but nothing for a while. I agree that waiting for a year seems extreme. Maybe we should just resubmit elsewhere after 4 months, as most positive responses are in by then.

  13. @ Sheelagh – I totally agree about payment. Naturally we'd all like nice big fees, but even a token amount demonstrates that the editor considers our work of value. When theirs no fee at all it can feel as though they'd take anything to fill the space.

    @ Sharon – Yep, it would be very good to have some idea of whether our stories are still being considered or if they won't be used.

    Thanks for the Best Details.

    @ Alyson F – Well done on the sale. I've not heard of that publication.

    @ Marian – thank you! I hope you enjoy it.

    @ Alex – Thank you!

    @ Charlie – It's so frustrating to just never hear back, isn't it?

    @ Alyson – Congratulations on the sale. I'm trying to get hold of a copy of Stylist in the hope of learning what they want. If I can get in touch with the editor I'll also invite them onto the blog.

    @ Liz – Congratulations on the sale and thanks for the best wishes.

    @ Michael – Commiserations. Those speedy rejections can seem very harsh, but I feel they're better than waiting for months, or years, or never getting a response at all.

    @ Marguerite – My new book has been described as 'uplifting and cheery' by an early reader! (I left out my own experiences of house moves.)

    Congratulations on winning the weekly write!

    @ Chris – Congratulations on the sale to My Weekly. Interesting that they accepted something form a new to them writer as they don't usually. Congratulations for the PNs too. I'm guessing those are also the reason you were able to sub to MW.

    @ New Girl – I totally understand the temptation to do that, but what happens if you then have two editors wanting the story at the same time?


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