Womag news
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I have been working (very slowly, well it is summer!) on a piece for that green story competition. & I had a story accepted for the Evergreen (Bridgehouse Publishing) competition the details of which were on your blog Patsy so thanks a mil for that info. I find at this time of year my other work and the garden take over and I don't have so much time so the odd competition with a deadline helps me to keep my hand in so to speak
ReplyDeleteMy new novel is now available for pre-order on certain websites, although it won't be released until 13th October! Very exciting for me, and, if anyone is remotely interested, you can see the cover design and read the blurb on the W.H. Smith website. It is listed as 'Closing In' by E.D. Thompson, published by Hachette. (There are other novels of this name by other authors.) A small-town psychological thriller, with a fifty-something main character, set at Christmas.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant Eirin, I will put it on my Christmas (buying &) reading list. Love a good Christmas read by the fire.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sheelagh!
ReplyDeleteJust by way of balance, and since we often discuss rejection on your blog, Patsy, how about this? Someone this month gave my current novel (I Know I Saw Her) a one-star rating on Goodreads, with the single-word review: "Awful". Just to twist the knife, this was the first and only book they had ever read with Goodreads, so I can only assume that they joined this forum with the express purpose of posting this review!
ReplyDeleteI subbed a story to TPF on Monday afternoon (13th). It was rejected 39 minutes later!!! I couldn’t believe it. Is this a record? 24 hrs is more the norm for me. I have two stories currently out with WW and one with Yours Fiction. By the way, does anyone know if TABFF have reopened their lists? I noticed that this month’s issue contained two stories by writers whose names I didn’t recognise. I enjoyed Death By Red Velvet, Patsy. Hope you’re still enjoying your travels.
ReplyDeleteMichael D
@Eirin how rude of them, you'd have to wonder who or why someone would go to all that trouble to write something like that.
ReplyDelete@Michael you've certainly beaten me with the speed of that one!
A Parsec rejection - the day I won an author's writing challenge! That was an ebook and a critique of my gothic tale :) And then! Finally! I was shortlisted for the dialogue only comp in Writing Magazine - one of my goals for this year (er, last year...). Several out to magazines.It would be great if TABFF open their doors...? Well done to Sheelagh and looking forward to Eirin's book :) Just in time for Christmas...
ReplyDeleteI entered the On the Premises mini contest. Although my entry wasn't published they told me it was in the top 15% of those which didn't make it. I actually find it quite encouraging to know I wasn't a million miles off the mark, and am motivated to keep trying.
ReplyDeleteDelighted to have the 'mini-mag' slot in the new People's Friend Special with what I thought was a cosy crime story (9500 words) but which is described as a 'crime thriller' – I'm, er,thrilled; didn't know I could write one!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what has happened to the Lipstick and Lies project? It was an e-mag that was supposed to be launched in july. The submission window closed very quickly. The second one was to be opened in August. I'd earmarked several stories for it, only to find the website has disappeared. It all seems strange and I wonder if anyone can shed any light on this?
ReplyDeleteI had an acceptance from TPF last week. I also submitted the first of two successfully-pitched features to TPF.
ReplyDeleteWith waiting times blowing out so much more these days, and so few markets out there, I am trying to figure out a way forward that works for me. I don't suppose I'm alone in that.
@Eirin, someone creating a GR account just to leave a 1-star review on your book sounds personal to me.
For unavoidable personal reasons, Lipsticks and Lies is on hold for the foreseeable, Sharon. Probably best for the moment to redirect earmarked stories.
ReplyDeleteVery pleased to have three stories in the current People's Friend Special but haven't sold them anything new for a while. I did sell a short story to Yours Fiction last week.
ReplyDeleteOn The Premises have a new short story competition going. Details on their website https://onthepremises.com/current-contest/
but they want:
For this contest, write a creative, compelling, well-crafted story between 1,000 and 5,000 words long in which the story’s main character(s) spend most (even better, all) of the story’s time in constant motion. For instance, they could spend the whole story in a moving vehicle. There are plenty of other ways to do it, too. (Just being on the Earth, which is spinning and moving around the sun, doesn’t count.)
Many thanks Marguerite, for that update.
ReplyDeleteI've submitted my Christmas stories. Apart from that my only news is a rejection!
ReplyDeleteI’ve had a story accepted by WW last week and submitted a couple to Yours Fiction but that’s it!
ReplyDeleteI haven't had any acceptances for around 3 months now.
ReplyDeleteIt is disappointing and dispiriting.
As far as I know Fiction Feast haven't opened their list. It might be that some writers who decided not to write for them (due to them taking all rights) returned when they changed their terms again.
Was there a comment somewhere about Woman's Weekly's short story mag ( that reuses a lot of old stories) closing? If so, this was a misunderstanding as it is set to continue.
Yes, HH. I got this info directly from the horse's mouth. But when I queried it, having seen an up-to-date copy of Best of WWFS, I received an apology and was told there'd been some misunderstanding. I was also told that any queries or stories should now be sent to bookazines@futurenet.comHope that resolves your issue.