

Saturday, 10 September 2022

Places to send your work

I'm currently putting together a new collection of flower and garden related short stories like this one. That's all the justification I need to flood this post with random flower photos!

I know that not everyone wants to self publish their writing, so here are some other things you can do with it.

Free entry writing competitions

Jerry Jazz Musician have a short story competition with a $100 prize. You don't have to write about jazz or any other kind of music, although that is an option.

You do have to write about music for this short story competition. The prize is £500. That's tempting, but I'm not at all musical so am unlikely to come up with an entry which hits the right note.

The theme for the W&AYB short story competition is love, and the prize is a place on a residential Arvon course. I've heard great things about these courses and I understand they serve cake!

Other publication opportunities

As well as running a competition, Jerry Jazz also accept submissions of all kinds of things including non-fiction, poetry and poetry. There's no payment for these - which means I won't be submitting. There are some valid reasons for having work published without payment, but none apply to me in this case.

Gordon Square Review are open for submissions of poetry, prose and non fiction. They pay $10 and $25 respectively. They encourage submissions from, "women, writers of color, writers with disability, LGBTQ writers, and previously unpublished writers."

Are you interested in hearing about more non womag publications which are open to submissions? I'll look for more such opportunities if enough people comment to say they'd like that.


  1. Lovely photos Patsy. Yes I would be interested in other places to submit. Also wondered if anyone here submits non fiction features to places like PF and whether they send pitches or full articles? Thanks

    1. Hi Lexi, I've submitted non-fiction to PF. First time I sent in a full article, which was accepted, and since then I've sent pitches & waited for that to be accepted before writing the full article.

  2. I'm always interested to hear about other writing opportunities, and you seem to have your ear to the ground (or the Cloud...?)

  3. Best wishes as you put together the content for your new collection, Patsy. I enjoyed your Coffee & Cake collection last year and, when I had finished it, left it on a take-a-book-leave-a-book shelf on holiday, so I wonder where it might be now, and who might have read it.

  4. I am always interested in places to submit - particularly if they are tried and tested and the more people that read your blog, the more likely we are to get feedback about a few. Not concentrating a few blog posts ago, children's entries aren't of interest to me but they might be to others - I know you wanted a straw poll.
    Always loving the pictures :)

  5. New girl on the block10 September 2022 at 12:41

    Beautiful flower photos. Yes please, I'm definitely interested in non- womag submission opportunities and competitions. Thank you for keeping us informed about these.

  6. Good luck with the new book, Patsy. Is one of those photos of rudbeckia? I want to grow those next year.
    Interested in all writing and enter some the free to enter comps you post, and some comps that have low entry fees, but also interested in all womag news too...

  7. Yes, I'd love to know about any non- paid fiction, poetry or non- fiction slots Patsy, as I have a lot of unsold material. I prefer projects based in the UK.
    I've had short stories published in the Lancs Post newspaper, who have a weekly regular Saturday fiction slot and the stories also appear in The Blackpool gazette, although I haven't seen my stories in that paper.
    There's no fee but The Ed provides a pdf of the story pages, and my stories have been nicely illustrated with a suitable photo.
    Choice magazine accept and publish poetry, but again, there's no fee.
    Just a quick update: The Stories for lip reading website has now been taken offline. This charity project used to accept fiction to help people lip read, but sadly, it closed down.

  8. Lovely photos Patsy sounds like a lovely theme for a book too. Best of luck with that. Thanks for all the competition information & yes I too am interested in hearing about all sort of submission possibilities for both fiction and non-fiction material as I do a bit of both.

  9. Thanks very much for the competition information, Patsy. Like others, I would also be very interested in hearing about other submission opportunities.

  10. Love the flower photos Patsy and dood luck with the new collection.
    I would definitely be interested in non womag opportunities
    Thanks for keeping us updated as always.
    Sharon H

  11. Good luck with your book Patsy, what a lovely theme to choose, and your photos are terrific.

    Yes, I too would be interested in non-womag opportunities. Many thanks as always for keeping us up to date.

  12. Good luck with your new compilation, Patsy.

    Yes, any fiction markets, womag or not, would be welcome. It's nice to have the freedom to be able to write outside of the womag boundaries sometimes.

    Children's markets, too, are always useful. I still submit an occasional story to Ireland's Own for their Owen's Club section, and to The Australian School Magazine (four different titles for different age groups under one umbrella). There are also several in America, including Highlights for Children. Although HfC isn't church related, many of the US titles are, so it's not always easy to get the right tone. Any other markets you discover would be much appreciated.


  13. @ Lexi – With articles it's more usual to send a pitch first. Sometimes an editor will request a particular angle, or that the writer concentrate on one area of a subject, so pitching first makes it more likely you'll produce what they want.

    @ Cathy – almost all the information I share is found, or sometimes sent to me, online.

    @ Eirin – When travelling I always take a book or two to read and then exchange that way. It's a good way for me to discover new authors to read, and must introduce other readers to different authors.

    @ Marguerite – It doesn't seem that any of my blog readers are children, or know children who wish to enter writing competitions, so I now know to concentrate on markets / opportunities for adults. That's good to know as although I don't think people mind when I post about competitions etc which they can't personally enter, I'd like as much as possible of the content to be relevant to a high percentage of readers.

    @ New Girl – It amazes me how many different opportunities there are.

    @ Alyson – I think they're both heleniums. The fact I'm not positive shows there's not a massive difference between the two.

    @ Sharon B – Thanks for sharing about those publication opportunities. Although I imagine that most of us prefer paying markets I know there are times when people are happy to see their work published without a fee.

    @ Sally – Thanks for sharing your experience. (And sorry your comment didn't show up before. Weirdly it went into spam!)

    @ Sheelagh – It's strange that most of the competitions and markets I find are for fiction, as I'm sure there are at least as many non-fiction markets as fiction ones, even if some are quite niche!

    @ Marian – I'll do my best to fund more.

    @ Sharon H – Thanks for the good wishes.

    @ Elizabeth – You know that anyone who says anything even vaguely positive about my photos shares the blame for the next few batches, don't you?

    @ Chris – Yes, it is good to sometimes write things which are in some way unsuitable for womags.

    Thanks for sharing info about some places you submit to.

  14. I could write (and play) a song but not sure I could come up with a song story.

  15. Yes Please!

    Poly Grace

  16. Thanks for the competition info, Patsy. I have a couple of stories that will fit the remit.
    Also, I have had difficulty with the ISSN for The People's Friend Special, the number I have is wrong also is the one you have listed. Could you please amend to read 14790467. Thanks

  17. Thank you for keeping us inspired with all these opportunities! The music one sounds particularly interesting...

  18. @ Alex – They're different skills!

    @ Polly – I'll see what I can do!

    @ Niddy – Good luck with the competitions and thanks for the info.

    @ Jenny – Yep, that one is perfect for you!

  19. Hi Patsy, I'd love more information about womag publishers. That's partly why I keep coming back to the blog! The information is so helpful.


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