

Thursday, 8 June 2023

The People's Friend - update from the fiction editor

After my last post, which included lots of info on submitting to various womags, kindly created by Sharon Boothroyd, I had an email from Lucy Crichton - fiction editor at The People's Friend - with more info. I'd have posted it sooner, but I've been on my travels - Yes, AGAIN! (photos from a little stroll we took.)

Lucy says – 

*First-time authors - payment is £80 for a first acceptance. Payment rises to £95 on a seventh acceptance. After six payments of £95, payment then rises to our top rate of £110 per story.
*Our guidelines are being refreshed and are not currently available online. They will be posted in due course. 
*Regarding word count, we work to set templates. Information available here -

*People's Friend" Pocket Novel word count is between 37,000 and 39,000 words per novel.
*Finally, copyright remains with the author at all times.
Hope that's all helpful, and thanks so much.

Yes, Lucy - that's very helpful! Thank you.

There's often useful info on Lucy's blog too – That's a good place to check which particular lengths or types of stories are currently most in demand.

You can also follow TheFriendMag on twitter and take part in the weekly writing hour (Tuesday mornings) and/or follow Womagwriter for various writing related stuff.

When the new TPF guidelines go live, I'll post a link

The next planned post is Saturday 17th June.


  1. Elizabeth McGinty8 June 2023 at 17:54

    Thanks Patsy and Lucy.

    Love the photos from your little walk :)

  2. Wow, the more you submit, the more it costs. Is that normal?

  3. @ Elizabeth – I took several at the top of those steps - just as an excuse to stop and get my breath back!

    @ Alex - That's what they pay writers for accepted work - there's no reading fee. As far as I know they're the only magazine which has this kind of sliding scale, but some do pay more to those they consider 'big name' authors than they do to everyone else.

  4. Thanks very much to both you, Patsy, and Lucy. Everything is very clear.

  5. Thank you, Patsy and Lucy.

  6. Thanks for update Patsy & Lucy. I look forward to climbing the payscales but even more so, seeing my stories in the People's Friend

  7. Eirin Thompson/E.D. Thompson9 June 2023 at 17:14

    Lovely photos, Patsy, and another very useful post. Can I just jump in here, too, to say that I am the writer to whom your story was wrongly attributed in the July issue of TAB Fiction Feast, and to let followers know that 'Unearthing the Truth' is actually a Patsy Collins story. It's a great story, and I'm only sorry that you won't get the credit for it with most of the magazine's readers, but I guess the people who put together magazines are human beings, and human error is perfectly normal (and forgivable). I do really like FF's illustration of your recurring character, Amelia, with her long hair, reading glasses and magnifying glass, and would recommend your novel featuring Amelia, Acting Like a Killer. Happy writing to all!

  8. Sharon boothroyd10 June 2023 at 14:02

    Reading the info on the TPF blog posts, I've noticed that they are only accepting poetry from their published poets.
    This was an opportunity that was previously open to all.
    This is the stance they've taken with poets, so it could be the same story in the future (pardon the pun!) with their published fiction writers - which would be a pity, especially as they've prided themselves on being open to all, aspiring story writers and poets.

  9. Great photos, Patsy - you visit some amazing places.

    Thanks for the update.

  10. @ Marian – It's great when magazines are clear about what they want, how they want it, and what they offer in return.

    @ Alyson and Marguerite - you're welcome.

    @ Sheelagh – It's not just about the money, is it?

    @ Eirin – Thank you, especially for your kind words about my novel!

    Yes, us humans do make mistakes. I'm disappointed, but it won't stop me writing and submitting more stories.

    @ Sharon – I'd missed that about the poetry. It seems a shame they've taken that step. I really hope they don't do the same with fiction.

    @ Liz – I do, I'm very lucky.

  11. Sharon Boothroyd13 June 2023 at 12:54

    The regular Yours mag have launched a short story story comp. Details are in the mag.
    Max 850 words, and it's an open theme and genre.
    Closing date, July 3rd and it's free to enter.
    The only drawback is that they take the rights to all entries. So you lose the rights to your story just by entering.
    Many thanks to a fellow womag writer who checked out the full competition T&C's.

  12. @ Sharon - thanks for that. I'll copy it over onto Saturday's post so it doesn't get lost.

    Such a shame about the rights _ I won't be entering for that reason.

  13. They should remain 'Yours', 'Ours' since they're snatching the rights of ALL stories.


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