

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Summer's here!

How are you enjoying the weather? Personally I like it hot and sunny, as long as I don't need to be too active. It can be draining though. If you're finding it hard to write at the moment, here's an idea which might help.

Free entry writing competition news

Green Stories are running another short story competition. The theme is microbes and the top prize £500.

A tip for entering any competition with a theme, prompt, genre requirement etc – make sure it's obvious you've written your piece to fit the requirement. One of the entries in my local writing group's short story competition was disqualified by the judges because they didn't feel it fitted the brief. That's a shame as the person concerned is a good writer and had created the piece specifically for the competition, it simply wasn't clear to the judges that was the case.

Btw, the winning entry (mine!) was praised for its layout, grammar lack of filler words and the fact an original title (as opposed to the competition theme) was used. Obviously the actual story is the most important element, but it's worth paying attention to the details because if two or more entries are close, as I'm sure they were in this case, that might well make the difference.

Other publication opportunities

Stand magazine is a new to me, although well established, paying market, which considers poetry and short stories. The style seems to be more literary than womag – does that appeal to any of you?

Womag news

Angela Gilchrist has been replaced as editor of The People's Friend by Stuart Johnstone, who has previously been a My Weekly editor. More details here.

The new fiction editor at My Weekly has been announced. She's Kirstyn Smith

I don't yet know what difference, if any, these change will make. 

This isn't really news, just a clarification. It's YOURS FICTION which is currently on hold with an uncertain future. The regular YOURS magazine is continuing without change, so you can continue to submit work there.

As YOURS FICTION had a policy of, if you've not heard in three months then it's a no, I think it's safe to assume anything submitted there won't now be used. Submission to the regular YOURS should all eventually get a reply. That can take up to six months, although do sometimes come more promptly.

My news

I'm using my website more now. If you're interested in reading about my writing life, take a look.

For those wondering about the TAB FF story of mine accidentally credited to another author – I have received an apology and payment. My guess is there was a change round when the magazine was laid out and switching the author name got overlooked.

The next scheduled post is 15th July. There may be travel photos!


  1. Sharon boothroyd1 July 2023 at 09:21

    Yours fiction-sharon Reid told me that there will be the occasional fiction and puzzles extra in the regular yours. So I'm going to keep my stories (including the Xmas ones)there and not withdraw them.
    I'll give it 3 or 4 months for the normal ones and then assume they have been rejected.
    I can't write literary material,so it's a no from me for comps in this genre.

  2. Thank you for the 'Write ten words' tip. I retired last December, so in theory should have more time for writing, but I've hardly done any this year - mainly just edits and re-writes - so anything which gets me writing again is good. I aspire to writing literary fiction (failed so far!) so I'm interested in Stand Magazine.

  3. Thanks for all the updates & writing opportunities Patsy. Just love that top photo, it has a sort of ethereal beauty to it. Fabulous. My news is that I sold a story to the People's Friend this week, which after a gap of what seems like ages where I have had a few 'maybe published in the future' sort of responses is very welcome indeed. I've also being writing more recently so that too is good.
    Interesting all the changes in editorship(s) but I suppose change will happen & sometimes you have to embrace it & hope for the best outcome.

  4. Last comment is from Sheelagh

  5. Elizabeth McGinty1 July 2023 at 11:26

    Thanks for all the info Patsy, love the write 10 words tip. Even if it's just, "I hate this story, how is it going to end?" might be enough to trigger something, let's face it, we've all been there.

    Yes, changes at TPF are interesting, Angela will be missed, but good to know it's been passed to an experienced pair of hands.

    Loved reading about your writing experiences on your blog I think tea may have been involved :)

    Happy writing everyone.

  6. Interesting blog, Patsy. Thanks for the updates.
    Love the ‘write ten words’ tip.

  7. Hmm... went straight to your website, as you suggested, Patsy... and all I could see was cake! ;) Now there's a surprise! The microbes looks interesting... ish... theoretically more my bag as a former science teacher, but biology never really was my thing. Now... if I set the microbes in space... :) Thank you for all the magazine updates - things changing rapidly...?

  8. Thanks very much, Patsy. I'm definitely going to start following the ten words tip straight away - I think it might be just what I need on the bad days.

  9. Thanks for the updates, Patsy. Hopefully, these editorial changes might bring a change in policies. An opening of My Weekly’s list again, perhaps? Also, if the regular Yours magazine are going to be publishing fiction extras periodically, maybe some of the stories originally sent to the fiction magazine might get passed over? (Though that would rule out the several I already have with them if they stick to their 950 word limit). Who knows?

    I’m currently tweaking a story I wrote just over two years ago that I hope to send to BOWW in the next week or so.

    Congratulations to everyone who’s had acceptances.


  10. Thanks, Patsy, for keeping us up to date with womag changes. Thanks too for the microbes story, that looks interesting and I'll give it some serious thought!

  11. Have fun traveling. The WriteEditPublish site is holding a competition for their anthology.

    July 4 is Alice in Wonderland Day, a commemoration of when the story was first told to the Liddell sisters by Lewis Carroll in 1862.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge


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