

Saturday, 30 September 2023

Three for free

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Fiona for the details of this competition. As she says, 'Quite a lot of conditions of entry for this competition (so not for me), but would be great if someone from the Womag community won the prize! What is for everyone are the resources on the website, including a Writers’ Toolkit section which is worth a visit."

Thanks to Marguerite for this link to the Weird Christmas short story competition. It's very strange and there's a cash prize.

Here's a horror short story competition for unpublished authors. The prize is $500.

My news

After reading all sorts of things into the reason a publisher I subbed my cosy crime novel to hadn't replied after two months, when the website said I'd hear in one, I plucked up the courage to send a query.

The never received my submission! I'm not sure why as it was done via their own form and appeared to go through OK. 

Oh well, these things happen and it gives me more time to work on the second in the series. I'm now more than halfway through the first draft of that one. I'm very pleased with my progress. 

Despite a recent trip during which we visited lots of castles and abbeys, climbed a few hills and had a day out at a garden, I still wrote every day. (I'll be sending out a newsletter fairly soon, with more photos of that trip, and more about my writing. You can sign up here if you'd like to be on the mailing list.)

How is your writing going? Have you developed a writing routine which works for you?


  1. Thanks for the competitions, Patsy. I've entered the Weird Christmas before but never come anywhere - when they say 'weird' I think their stories are usually verging on horror.
    Not sure I'm a good fit for the other two - but it's good to know about them.
    Thank you.

  2. Thanks Patsy & to Fiona and Marguerite for sharing competition news, I don't either are a fit for me but good to know of nonetheless. Great photos Patsy, all looks wonderful.
    Wonder how a whole novel could disappear!! Strange that one.
    I've been working away on some historical pieces which I really love & reading the letters of the writer Maria Edgeworth who was a contemporary of Jane Austen & apparently more famous back in the day. The letters are riveting (to me anyway)

  3. 'The Lost Novel' - could be another crime mystery...? I hope it finds a home soon, Patsy! It sounds funny to me, but I now probably don't match 'unpublished'. Not up there with the most of you on this blog though! ;) with hundreds of stories printed! But thank you, Fiona and Patsy anyway.
    I obviously got nowhere in the Love Books (Marlborough Literary Festival) but, re-reading Jane Eyre has reignited my passion for the literary and gothic - trying to incorporate that with my own work. I have never read Jane Austen (and should do) but I can understand how Sheelagh has become engrossed revealing the hidden history of a contemporary writer.
    As for routines - probably too ad hoc but try to do a 'clean sweep' at the start of each month (been going on since January) rewriting The List with deadline dates for competitions and updating the stories which haven't found a home. Then forcing myself to Actually Write Something... which reminds me...

  4. @ Alyson – Snap re Weird Christmas. We're either not weird enough, or not in the right way.

    @ Sheelagh – Well, it is a mystery novel!

    I can easily believe the letters of an accomplished reader might be interesting. I'm glad you're enjoying the research.

    @ Marguerite – I resubmitted the novel and have been assured it's arrived safely this time.

    I also have monthly lists. I don't always stick to them, but they do go some way to keeping me on track. Good luck with that something you're actually writing!

  5. Thanks for the info, Patsy.
    I’ve signed up for the Discoveries Newsletter. I might dust off my WIP novel and give it a go.

  6. Many thanks for this competition news. I've also tried the Weird Christmas one, but I don't think my mind works that way!


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