

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Free entry writing competitions


Thank you to everyone for your kind words in response to my last post, and your understanding of the fact I'm not able to spend much time on the blog at the moment. The family situation is ... ongoing.  By early December things should have changed - hopefully very much for the better. 

In the meantime, there's cake!

Free entry writing competitions

Thanks to Alyson for the link to this flash fiction competition. There's a £50 gift voucher as a prize.

Here's a crime novel competition (for people born or living in Britain only) with cash and an offer of representation by a literary agent as the prize.


  1. Good morning,

    In spite of the title, this flash fiction is not actually free to enter but neither is it expensive and the first prize is £150. Closing date 23/12/23.

    Dear Patsy, thank you for keeping up your blog (and pictures of cake) while you resolve some issues, may they all be small ones and equilibrium restored soonest.

    Kind regards, Sue

  2. @ Sue – Thank you.

    While I don't post details of competitions with entry fees (for a variety of reasons, including the fact that this is the only place I'm aware of which only includes free ones) I'm happy for people to mention those in the comments.

  3. Thanks Patsy, fantastic photographs. Looking forward to some nice rich fruit cake myself with home-made almond paste and proper white icing...
    Not a huge amount to report from here (other than the acceptance of a couple of historical articles which I absolutely love researching and writing up.) I'm flat out though with work, a horticultural course I'm completing & a bit of writing & Christmas creeping up once again.
    Mind yourself & take time to enjoy the cakes too!

  4. Oooh! Sheelagh! Someone else who makes Proper Christmas Cake :) I am looking forward to 'feeding the cake' tomorrow ;) The historical articles sound interesting. I've just sent The Petersfield Bookshop ghost story entry in with lots of local history in, and yes, it was funny researching. Their focus was 'place' - history, folklore and landscape.
    Thank you for the cake, Patsy, and keeping up the blog for us all. I hope December is a lot better for you.
    I'll see if I can come up with a flash - thank you, Sue.

  5. I've tried clicking on the flash fiction comp link but it takes me to Patsy's Amazon's author page and how to buy her book.
    I can't see details of a comp there at all.
    Is anyone else getting the same?

  6. This 'Sharon at a Quick read' gmail linked blog... it was something I set up around 10 years ago (maybe further back than that) but I can't get rid of the google account name popping up all the time.
    I don't run a blog or have a website anymore.

  7. Apologies – I'd put in the wrong link! I was trying to update my website at about the same time as writing the post and must have copied in the wrong link. Usually I double check, because I'm prone to doing that kind of thing but I didn't have the time this week. I think / hope it's correct now?

  8. Link working now. Thanks, Patsy.

  9. Hope everything is smoothed out over the next week.

  10. Hope things improve for you soon, Patsy.

  11. Thank you to everyone for the competition news. I think I might have a go at the flash fiction.

  12. @ Marguerite You prompted me to feed my cake as well! Of course I had to sample the dose first to make sure all was correct but only in the interest of culinary perfection you understand. Good for the creative writing too! Happy writing.

  13. Sharon boothroyd1 December 2023 at 12:15

    Just an update- submissions to Best of woman's weekly are closed now until January the 8th 2024.
    April emailed me when I subbed yesterday. She will resume reading on that date.
    So if you have any stories there, and you're hoping to hear about a decision, please be aware that you won't hear back until January at the very least.
    So there's little point bombarding her with work at the moment!

  14. Thanks for the update Sharon, I had one accepted by April (via an invoice) this week, which was a lovely surprise

  15. That last comment was from Sheelagh rather than anonymous, I'm up to my ears in a different kind of writing at moment, less enjoyable but has to be done too!


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