

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Free book publicity ? AI concerns

Free book publicity

Discount Stuff on Twitter (yes, I still call it that!) will post about your free or discounted books if you message them.

 Ooops. This wasn't supposed to appear in it's own post – this kind of thing is what happens when I try to get organised and get stuff ready in advance. Oh well, as it's here, I'll add in a link to the AI issue Marguerite has mentioned in the comments .– and a picture of me sitting by a really big rock, taken right at the start of our latest campervan adventure. If you want to hear and see much more about that, follow the blog updates on my website.


  1. Disturbing news about faceache and AI
    I do not partake of that social media platform but I note it is an 'opt out' policy. I have no clue about twitter (formerly known as...). AI is a whole other issue but the idea of it being superimposed on what people are already doing... (Don't get me started!)

  2. @ Marguerite – Thanks for that, and for a prompt comment alerting me to the fact this post had appeared! I'll update to include that link.

  3. Thanks Marguerite & Patsy for that. For me the biggest danger is not really knowing what I'm doing or giving away on this technology, I certainly don't like the idea of 'an opt out policy' for that very reason.

  4. I am not a dinosaur, and I'm all over my laptop, but I am very knew to tablets. I could not believe you were not ALLOWED to sign out of google (small g) on a tablet, ever! (I repeat, don't get me started!) Nevertheless, you can sign out by using your laptop/desktop. So, why do they make it so difficult? (I think we know the answer.) I assume that is true of android phones (haven't got that far yet!) The AI issue has ramifications for authors who use illustrations, synopses of their works, photos of their books, excerpts etc..., on social media.
    It really is a big rock, Patsy!

  5. Sharon boothroyd29 May 2024 at 14:28

    I've followed the links and I've tried to fill in the FB 'objections to AI' form in but as I'm autistic, I couldn't understand the question where it asked for proof of something, so I had to skip it.
    I'm not good with IT.

  6. I'm not on Facebook, so cannot 'opt out', but it has set me wondering about other platforms which I do use, such as LinkedIn and WhatsApp. I wonder if there are similar issues with those?

  7. Sharon Boothroyd30 May 2024 at 12:12

    As a matter of interest Maisie, is it worth being on linked in?
    I assumed this was for careers and job networking. If it is, have you had any freelance work from it? I don't want to join it but I just wondered.

  8. Elizabeth McGinty30 May 2024 at 12:47

    Thanks Patsy and that sure is a big rock!
    Enjoy your travels and writing :)

  9. Sharon, I joined LinkedIn for professional reasons when I moved cities and was job-seeking. I'm now retired, but I do a little freelance proofreading. I have been approached twice with offers of actual work. There are also a number of messages which purport to offer job opportunities, but are really just spam. Hope that helps.

  10. Sharon Boothroyd31 May 2024 at 11:15

    Ah right. I just wondered if it was of any use to freelance writers who are looking for commissions.


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