

Saturday, 22 June 2024

Viking graffiti?


Free entry writing competitions

Thanks to Fiona for sending the link to this free poetry competition, with £100 prizes. UK residents only.

And thanks to Sharon Boothroyd for this Here's a free to enter love letters competition below: CD 31st August.

My news

We're still enjoying Orkney in the campervan. I've made some progress on the third book in my cosy mystery series (the first one is currently on offer at 99p / 99c) 

Mostly though, I've been hiking, sightseeing, eating cake, bird watching, taking photos such as the ones in this post, and blogging about our experiences.

Just to keep my holiday snaps somewhat writing related, it seems probable that those scratchmarks in the stone are actually Viking graffiti. I had read there was some inside Wideford Hill chambered cairn, where I took that shot, but couldn't believe I'd really found it. Since then I shared it with a group who know about these things, who assure me it's the real thing.


  1. Elizabeth McGinty22 June 2024 at 17:57

    Thanks to those who have submitted comp info, very much appreciated.

    Patsy the photos are fantastic as well as informative. Those pesky Vikings! :)

    Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about your Orcadian adventure.

    Happy writing everyone!

  2. Thanks Patsy, Fiona & Sharon for updates on island hopping & writing opportunities. Love those photos, makes me want to visit

  3. Thank you, Sharon and Fiona. I'd heard of the Val Wood before but not explored. Time to get the thinking cap on. Viking graffiti, eh? I am wondering if there is a Viking saga coming out after your cosies, Patsy ;) Enjoying the photos and dipping into your blog :)

  4. Thanks for the competitions, Patsy, Sharon and Fiona.
    Orkney looks fascinating, Patsy.

  5. Eirin Thompson/E.D. Thompson24 June 2024 at 08:33

    Loving the photographs both here and on your newsletter, Patsy. Best wishes with your latest adventure!

  6. Sharon Boothroyd24 June 2024 at 21:30

    It's a no to all of the stories I sent to linen press for their anthology.
    I wasn't expecting a yes, so I'm not too disappointed.
    Has anyone here been successful there?

  7. I also had a rejection (also expected) from Linen Press.

  8. Thank you to Patsy, Fiona and Sharon for the competitions.
    I think I’ll give the Val Wood ‘Love Letter’ one a go.

  9. The competition news looks interesting - thank you so much, Patsy, Fiona and Sharon.

  10. Alas! sez poor, poor Yorick. While
    that design is of the Hobbit, there's
    many nonillions of 'em beyond the
    starry sky in 7thHeaven where yooN
    eye can certainly go for maaaaaany
    adventures *if* you accept Jesus.
    Wanna? Wannum? Lemme-X-plane:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, miss girly-withe-curly...

  11. Sounds like a great work/life balance you've got at the moment Patsy.
    Thanks for the competition details to all.


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