

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Over to you

 Do you have any writing news?

Do you know any market news? Have you heard about any free to enter writing competitions? Or come across calls for submissions or other opportunities?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome and appreciated. As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to answer my questions, or provide information for me to share with you.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

My news

I'll be at a book fair in Aspex, Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth tomorrow 11-4. If you're in the area, do come in and say hello.

One of my many talents is taking books out of a box. Well, talent might not be quite the right word...


  1. This week I had one acceptance & one rejection (but kindly & constructively put). My exciting news is that I found out the destiny of one of my stories is TPF annual 2026, thrilled with that. Other than that I know of no competitions or other writing opportunities. I'm trying to work albeit very slowly on a longer piece of work.
    Good luck at the book fair tomorrow Patsy

  2. I'm taking a long break from womag writing. Well done to all with sales, acceptances or good news.

  3. One of my stories is reaching the 12 week deadline with Andrew at Woman's Weekly so it looks like that one is a rejection. Shame as I was really pleased with it. It happens like that sometimes doesn't it. I've got one due out in January with them so it's not all gloom. Also sent one off this week to the Manilitfest competition that was posted here a few weeks ago.

  4. That was a big box, Patsy! It reminded me of pass the parcel ;) Well done, Sheelagh! Something already in the bag for a 2026 publication! (Realise it will be out before then, but the date, well, makes you think!) I was shortlisted for the Crowvus Christmas Ghost stories but, always the bridesmaid, again :( I was also shortlisted in the month's 'Inkspiration'.

  5. Thanks Marguerite, yes it must be odd to work so far ahead of time or maybe you just get on with it and don't think about it too much! Anyway congrats on making all those shortlists, its always nice to get some positive reinforcement for your work, I wouldn't knock it at all

  6. I subbed a story to Andrew at Woman’s Weekly at the end of October. Still nowhere near the 12 week deadline yet, but my fingers are crossed. I’ve subbed several there this year, but nothing. Busy writing another before I go on to finish a summer themed story that I started 18 months ago.


  7. I had a REALLY fast acceptance from TPF. It wasn't much over 24 hrs! To balance things out, I got a rejection for a story subbed in January a few days later - you can't win them all!

  8. I hope the book fair went well Patsy! Congratulations to those who have had acceptances. It's hard to believe TPF are already planning 2026!

  9. Congratulations on acceptances and shortlists! Good luck at the fair, Patsy.

  10. A M heath agents are holding a crime/thriller novel competition. I assume it's free to enter. The cd is 7th Feb. They want the first 5,000 words and a synopsis. I'm sorry I don't have a screen shot of the mag page with the details but it should be on the agent's website.

  11. Nice unboxing vid! So much packaging!


  12. I also had a 24 hour acceptance from TPF this week, Patsy! It was a 3000 word anytime story if that helps people. Not much else happening however. Congratulations to others with successes.

  13. Dear Womag writers, I've been following this blog for some time now - thank you for keeping it so lively. I would like to submit a short story to Andrew Shaw, because I think it might be a good fit for Woman's Weekly. I’m not sure, though, what the current policy regarding unsolicited submissions/new authors is. I read in one of the posts that he is still accepting new stories, but also a comment that he only recycles the stories he has already bought. Do you know what the latest information is? Thank you very much! Linda H.

  14. @Linda H - Andrew Shaw takes new stories. Length 800 or 1800. The stories are often (usually) recycled in The Best of Woman's Weekly. Anyone can submit - if you don't hear in twelve weeks consider it not accepted. What sometimes happens is that they are put 'on file' and maybe used at a later date. You can always withdraw your story from this if you want. Stories are taken from 'on file' but they do sit there a long time...

    1. Thanks for your quick reply, Alyson!

  15. Thank you, Sue Mc, for the gentle prod about Manilitfest - now done today :)

  16. @ Sheelagh - In some ways a constructive rejection could be considered better than an acceptance. Usually we don't get told what we did right or wrong, and it often feels rather random, although I'm sure the editors do have reasons they just don't usually have time to share with us.

    @ Sharon – If you feel like you want / need a break then it's very likely to be the best thing to do. Putting too much pressure on ourselves is generally counter productive.

    Thanks for the comp info - I'll look that up.

    @ SueMc - Yes, it does go that way sometimes. I hope you're able to find an alternative home for it, should Andrew not see sense in the very near future.

    @ Marguerite - Well done on the shortlisting!

    @ Michael - I hope you get some good news soon.

    @ Elizabeth - I survived the fair and brought home fewer books than I took!

    @ HB - It's to know people are getting responses, everything seemed to have got very quiet recently.

    @ Liz – I know! Looked nicely dramatic, I thought.

    @ Alyson - Congratulations! We obviously timed things just right.

    Thanks for the info re WW. I'm a bit out of the loop.

    @ Linda H - They do take all rights on stories they do buy. I know that doesn't bother everyone, but it's something to be aware of.

  17. @Patsy & Alyson Congratulations both of you on receiving a 24 hour acceptance that must be an amazing thrill (which I've yet to experience but I live in hope!!)

  18. Finally I have a short story competition opportunity for this blog. Its in ROI but appears to be open to all. Story must be between 500 words and 1,200 words.
    The theme is 'Slowing Down'.
    Email your short story (fiction) to with the words ‘Short Story Competition’ in the subject line by 5pm on 28 November.
    The winning story will receive a year-long subscription to Irish Country Magazine plus an amazing gift worth €300!

  19. Thank you, Sheelagh - just sorted one out :)


  21. Hi all. Well done to everyone on their successes. I've had 2 recent successes with TPF, though they've had them a good while. Along with many others I've had no response to.

  22. Hi All. This is an odd query, but one some of you may have thought about. I'm currently writing my will and planing to leave most of my writing to a niece who also likes to write. Many of these stories will have been published under my name, though I'm thinking she could maybe put the short story books together and sell on Amazon. Does this mean I gift her the Copyright to my stories? Also - how would I put a value on such things as part of my will/assets? No worries if no one knows the answer. All good wishes Kate Hogan

  23. This looks useful if anyone is interested. Never To Late, Writing Award Good wishes Kate Hogan

  24. Do any of you have experience of the Hammond House competition?
    I entered a poem earlier this year and it has been shortlisted.
    But... I now recall it was £10 to enter... and all shortlisted entries are put into an anthology which you can buy...
    So I'm now wondering... are all entries 'shortlisted'... and is it just a money spinner?

  25. @Ruth – I don't personally have any experience of that competition. It does sound like a money spinner for the organisers - but it might not be just that. Hopefully they are doing some quality control and not just shortlisting absolutely everything.

    Congratulations on your shortlisting in any case. You wrote something and sent it out and it will be published - not everyone achieves that.

    1. Thanks, Patsy.
      I have to confess, I didn’t actually write the poem. There wasn’t an option to say it wasn’t my own work when I submitted it!
      It was a poem my Dad wrote on the birth of my daughter 24 years ago, and it fitted with the competition’s theme of ‘Time’.
      Sadly, he died in 2001, the year after he wrote it… so it’s quite nice to think of it being in an anthology, which I can give to my daughter… even if it did cost £10 entrance fee and £16 for the book!


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