One of the contributors to this blog contacted me recently with an interesting question –
If someone says "We do not accept stories that have already been published in other magazines, blogs, or websites"... what exactly does that mean? What if you used roughly the same story, but wrote it in a different way, or changed some of the details, language choices, etc?
Personally, I don't think changing the title, location and character names would be enough – that's something we might choose to do to make a story more suitable for a different market but, in my opinion, that would still be the same story.
I do think a complete rewrite might be possible. If the viewpoint character was changed for example, the events might be broadly similar, but those would impact on the character differently and therefore might create a very different story.
What do you think? Can you rewrite a story and submit it as something new? And if so, how far do you have to go?
(Just to be clear, we're only talking about rewriting our own work, not that of anyone else.)
Womag news
The People's Friend are 'looking for shorter stories, 1000 words and 1200 words. All genres and from summer onwards!'
Free entry competition news
Thanks to Ruth for sharing the link to the latest On The Premises competition. They want short stories of between 1,000 and 5,000 words. The prompt is 'somewhere else*' and the prize $250.
And further thanks to Ruth for the link to the latest Irish Country Magazine short story competition. They want between 500 and 1,200 words, the theme is motherhood and the prize €200.
*Which is my excuse for using photos of places I've visited in this post.
My news
The third book in my cosy crime series is now available to pre order.
My recent radio interview was fun! If you missed it and would like to listen, you can do that here.
Writing challenge
Thanks to Sarah Charmley who says - Deadlines for writers has started its 12 stories in 12 months for this year (you can also write 12 poems). These challenges are free to enter, you get a prompt and a word count and a deadline which normally gives you 3 weeks. The deadline is only open for 24 hours. You comment on 4 other stories and hopefully 4 other writers comment on yours. It's a great way to get 12 stories or poems written this year. https://deadlinesforwriters.comIf anyone has questions or suggestions they feel might make an interesting subject for discussion on the blog, feel free to let me know. I can either raise them anonymously, or you could create a guest post if you prefer.
That’s an interesting idea Patsy, but I don’t think I’d feel comfortable trying to alter one of my published stories and send elsewhere. Could maybe set it in a different era and make a lot of changes, but I’d rather spend my time working on a completely new story and feel confident that I was meeting the submission rules.
ReplyDeleteGlad your radio interview went well - hope to listen to it later today.
And thanks to Ruth and Sarah for the links and info.
Thank you for the competitions, Patsy. I think you've got a typo on the On The Premises though, they accept stories up to 5,000 words.
ReplyDeleteOn the matter of changing stories I do use the same ideas sometimes but as you suggest I make a lot of changes so I don't think they would be recognisable really. On the whole I prefer to start with a fresh idea completely though.
I once read a story in which the main character had been changed from a woman to a man but the story was essentially the same, with a few gender-related changes. I read both stories in the mags they were published in and felt it was a bit of a swizz.
ReplyDeleteI think it would have to be a complete rewrite. You'd have to change most of the story.
ReplyDeleteI'm with everyone else: I'd feel cheated if it was the same, but 'different' — but then, I might not have read the original, in which case I'd never know... Thank you to Ruth and Sarah — not sure I have the wherewithal to take a challenge on at the moment! But it did say you can start any month. Will be listening to your interview shortly, Patsy. Pleased it went well :)
ReplyDeleteHave just enjoyed listening to the first fifty minutes of your radio interview, Patsy - a lovely gentle programme with lots of empathy and encouragement. Regarding re-using an idea - I don't see why a theme or concept couldn't be revisited, particularly after a long time. I believe some womag writers have been successful for decades, so it must be inevitable that they sometimes return to a topic eventually. Just rewriting the same story with a few small changes would be a different matter, though.
ReplyDeleteIt’s so interesting to read all your thoughts. I’ve been published just three times, and often wonder if I could get away with resubmitting those same stories elsewhere, rejigged a little. (I suppose the fact that I say ‘get away with’ shows that I don’t really think it’s the done thing to do.)
ReplyDeleteI tend to assume that if a competition/editor doesn’t state explicitly that they won’t accept ‘previously published’ works, it would be OK to edit something (even if already published) to fit the brief and resubmit. But maybe they assume it’s a given that they want new stuff.
I do love tinkering round with old stories though, tweaking them and trying to make them better. At the moment, I’m editing some stories I wrote as a teenager, some 40 years ago! These were unpublished though, so of course I know that’s different. But the original and final versions are sometimes so different as to be almost unrecognisable (IMHO).
My final thought on the matter (as a naïve newbie) though is… if you did submit a variation of something you'd already had published... who would/how would people know?
Now that's an interesting debate. I remember once reading the same story in two different magazines within a very short space of time & I have to say I did feel a bit cheated. I'd say the author sent the story to a number of magazines and as it was pre-internet days they might have got their wires crossed. Having said all that & as Eirin said I don't see why you couldn't revisit a concept as long as it doesn't read as the same story. That's just my thoughts anyway.
ReplyDeleteI've mentioned on this blog before that I've done rewrites of rejected stories from over thirty years ago when I first dipped my toes in the waters of writing. I've sold nearly all of them now. As for tinkering with already published stories there are quite a few successful novelists out there who seem to rewrite previous stories and nobody seems to notice. I did though! For my own part I have used the backdrop of a story with a new set of characters. Characters with a particular backstory set in different circumstance or different historical contexts. So I have drawn on previously published work and sold those stories.