

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Another free writing competition

On this blog I only share details of free to enter writing competitions (for several reasons, including the hope I won't be opening you up to scams). There are plenty with entry fees though - do you think those are worthwhile? 

Free entry writing competitions

The Fitzcarraldo prize 'awards £4,000 to the best proposal for a book-length essay (minimum 25,000 words) by a writer resident in the UK & Ireland who has yet to secure a publishing deal.' 

This is one of my favourite signposts. 

Where do you think it's directing people? Or maybe you know?


  1. I would consider entering comps that had an entry fee of £5 and under.i think that's a reasonable amount.

  2. I think £5 and under would be worth mentioning too, however, it might be more onus on you, Patsy? although I know many of us try to pitch in. There are several websites/blogs that offer all sorts of writing comps, but yours is specifically free entry, which is its USP and has its own attraction.

  3. Yes I think around £5 sounds good to. I suppose the possibility of scams is ever present these days so people would have to judge that for themselves. I really don't mind though I'm happy to stick with present formula either. Once again thanks for all the updates, they are much appreciated as ever.

  4. There are writing contests with fees, but those are easy to find. You find the ones that are more difficult to locate!

  5. The signpost appears fairly useless as its primary function, Patsy!
    Are you asking for views on whether you include paying comps or asking for our view on them in general? When I started writing I entered quite a few paid comps, secretly sure I'd written the best thing ever. Many years later (and wiser) I still do enter some paid comps but I don't enter the very expensive ones or the very well known ones. I should add I have won/been placed in some, so if you know you have a good story it can be worth it.
    I'd prefer you to list free to enter comps. That makes this site a valuable resource.

  6. I generally only enter Australian competitions, but my yardstick is always the number of prizes available rather than the cost of the entry fee. If a competition costs $20 to enter but there are placings and category prizes, then I'm more likely to enter than if it costs $5 but with only one prize winner. I only enter when I know I have a strong story that has a genuine shot. Others seem happy for you to continue to list the free to enter ones, so I'd do that, Patsy - don't generate extra work for yourself. Liz

  7. I think that the paid competitions are often much better advertised to promote entries and that makes them easier to find, so I really appreciate discovering the free entry ones here, Patsy.
    I do enter some paid competitions and have won prizes, but set myself a yearly spending limit which encourages me to be selective.

  8. The trouble is, it's not always easy to find free to enter competitions. The Prize magic website has a good, updated list of comps but these also include ones with entry fees and it covers poetry and non- fiction. I can provide a list of places that accept and publish fiction , but don't pay. I don't know if that will be of interest to anyone!

  9. Useless piece of information: where I used to live, the bus stop at the end of the road? dirt track, was called 'The Back of Beyond' 😉

  10. For the reasons others have given, I think I'd also say just the free to enter ones please. Info about those is much appreciated.


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