

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Changes at You

Cecilia van Zyl, the editor at South African magazine You is taking early retirement. I'd like to wish her well for the future.

Lynn Ely, sub editor at the magazine is taking over the role. Lynn is one of those who currently works on the final edits of fiction used in the magazine.

Stories should be submitted to Those previously sent to Cecilia and not used may be resubmitted to Lynn. The guidelines remain the same.


  1. Thanks so much for posting this information, Patsy.
    After a couple of sales to You, I submitted a lot more stories and never heard back about any of them, so at least this news means I can give up on them all and maybe consider resubmitting them.
    Do you know if they will still consider stories that were previously published in the UK? And do you know if Lynn is going to be sending out rejections? Would be good if she did or if she advised that we should assume rejection after so many months.
    Anyway, thanks again for the information.
    Sue Wright

  2. Thanks for this, Patsy. I've never had any luck with You but now maybe I can resubmit.

  3. Thanks, Patsy. I've sent them a few but heard nothing so decided to quit. I'll have another go now, though. Many thanks. Kate Hogan

  4. Yes, that's a good question from Anonymous. Do they take previously published stories?

  5. I'm a big fan of Lynn. I've submitted three stories to You since her appointment, and although none of them have been accepted, she's contacted me to let me know they won't be used!

    So, I've just sent off my fourth submission... fingers crossed!


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