

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Request from TAB editors.

Margaret Nicholls, editor at Take A Break's Fiction Feast, would like me to 'ask authors to prioritise 1 and 2-page stories over longer as she is keen to get a good stock of the shorter ones.' (These are 700 and 1,200 words)

Norah McGrath, the fiction editor, tells me, 'I get soooooo many at 2,000' and ' I think my need for 1 and 2-pagers is now constant' so she's going to amend the guidelines to reflect this.

These shorter stories are to be posted in the normal way.

(For guidelines for each magazine, click on it's name directly under any post where it's mentioned, or scroll down a little and find it in the 'Magazine guidelines - quick links' on the left.)


  1. That's good to know - thanks, Patsy. I might actually do something about it again!

  2. Thanks for the information, Patsy.

  3. Thanks Patsy. Where can we find the guidelines?

  4. @ Sue - if you click on TAB just under the post, or in 'magazine guidelines quick links' on the left hand side, they should come up.

  5. Thanks for the update, Patsy. Shame I've just edited a 2000-worder!

  6. Thanks so much for that Patsy x

  7. I will have another go as I prefer the shorter stories. Thanks.

  8. Thanks, Patsy.

  9. Hi Patsy

    After posting this, in a few week's time TAB will be saying no more shorter stories! as they will be inundated with them!


  10. Thanks, Patsy. It's good to know what the latest requirements are, and shows that there is a market for shorter length stories still.

  11. Thanks, Patsy. Shall get something off to them!

  12. Thanks, Patsy. I'll have to start sending some shorter ones. For some reason I keep writing and sending much longer stories than I normally send. I'll have to get back into the habit of writing much shorter fiction. Good wishes Kate hogan

  13. I have a short story but its to long for this magazine. Are there any magazines that would accept 12000 words. My story is a tale with a twist, but unfortunately to long.

  14. I have a short story but its to long for this magazine. Are there any magazines that would accept 12000 words. My story is a tale with a twist, but unfortunately to long.

  15. Such a drag to have to post them though. And all that nonsense with SAEs. We don't need our stories back if they aren't accepted if we have them on our computers.


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