

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Meeting womagwriter Bea Charles

I spent a lovely day in Newcastle today, thanks to a guided tour conducted by fellow womagwriter Bea Charles.

We've known each other virtually, and as critique buddies for years, but this is the first time we've managed to meet in person.

We walked miles, saw a lot of bridges, artwork and kittiwakes. We chatted just a bit too, so we needed a few stops for refreshment ;-)

I don't know what or when, but I'm sure something from today will end up in one of my stories – and possibly in one of hers too.

Do you know your writing friends online, face to face, or both?

Do you ever put them in stories?


  1. Yes - I do have writing friends around and about! The Internet has changed so much, and now they are just as likely to be anywhere on the globe as here in UK. Also pleased to say I've been lucky enough to meet one or three of them in person!

    You two look as if you enjoyed yourselves :-)

  2. Looks like a lovely day out :)

  3. Writing buddies are so important. We're a small group who met at a creative writing course, and have kept up with each other ever since. Various other writing friends come and go from the group.

  4. Wouldn't dare put them in my stories as they are BOUND to recognise themselves. Not looking at anyone here:) Jacqui

  5. I met Carole Brevitt at the RNA conference this week. By total chance, we were in the same flat.

  6. @ Penny – It's surprising how well we can get to know people via the internet – but it's always nice to meet in person.

    @ Carrie – it was.

    @ New Girl – you're right that our writing buddies, however we know them, are very important.

    @ Jacqui – I wasn't suspicious until that last bit ...

    @ Bubble – She said she met some lovely people she knew virtually. Glad you were one of them.


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