

Sunday, 7 July 2019

MW PN guidelines

The latest pocket novel guidelines from My Weekly.
How is everyone? We're currently away in the mobile writing retreat – although I confess I'm not doing all that much writing. More of my time has been spent on the beach and visiting castles and gardens. You'll believe me if I say it's research, won't you?


  1. Of course it's all research! It's my firm belief that much writing takes place without a pen, pencil or keyboard in sight...

  2. It's all grist to the creative mill. Locations, people you see or overhear. Hope your notebook is filling up nicely.

  3. brightluminous7 July 2019 at 22:38

    I always get new ideas when in different locations, then develop them in my head, maybe making a few notes. Train journeys are especially good for this...

  4. Thank you, Patsy. Enjoy the holiday/work.

  5. I vaguely remember something about My Weekly PNs being from the heroine's point of view and I can't remember seeing one with dual POV like a lot of romances are now. Does anyone know the answer to this?

  6. The guidelines state they're 'usually' from the heroinne's POV but 'ocassionally dual' so I think you'd be fine with that approach if it works best for the story.


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