

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Over To You

What's happening in Womag land?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Any other news?

Do you have tips to share, questions to ask, or suggestions for this blog?

Feel free to use the photo as a picture prompt. (I'd actually picked this one out before I knew we'd still be in lockdown, but it does seem very apt.) If you'd like other writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful. And see yesterday's post if you're interested in reading one of my novels for just 99p (99c).

This morning I recieved a copy of scandinavian magazine Hemmets, containing one of my stories – but I have no idea which one. Can anyone tell me what it's about? 


  1. Good picture, Patsy. And well done on the Hemmets story, but no idea of story unless it's about a lady wearing a pink dress!
    Nothing much to report here; it's been so quiet. Too quiet. I have been writing a bit, but also wanted to spend time in the garden.

  2. Sorry. Been away from your exceptional blog for far too long. Life here in sunny France is more stringently locked down than in Britain so more writing time. Two thirds the way through my latest My weekly novel having been given the go-ahead by my editor. Green Skies at Night novel is due out in June. Still happily selling short stories to My Weekly, Take a Break and That's Life. Also a Linford Romance novel out this month Searching for Scarlett.
    I see you're doing well too Patsy, regarding sales. Great work.
    I am concerned about still being a member of the Romance Novelists Association. I figured they would have realised their error by now. Being male, unromantic AND an Aussie would surely be grounds for a dishonourable discharge but time will tell.

  3. Sorry. My previous comment came up as anonymous. I shall try to correct it. I hate technology.

  4. I've submitted three stories to People's Friend so far this month, and am currently doing some research/planning for future stories.

    I had an acceptance last week from People's Friend for a story I submitted in January, so I was happy about that.

    Womag-wise, I'm focusing only on People's Friend at the moment, as I've had a few acceptances from them now, and particularly enjoy writing long crime reads. I'd like to have a go at writing a serial for them, so am mulling over possible ideas.

  5. Hope you're keeping well and of good cheer, Patsy. Not strictly Womag- related but maybe of interest to fellow-Womag writers with time on their hands - I recently completed the following FREE course which is run by The Open University:

    The first stages cover the very basic stuff but later on you get the chance to give and receive criticism of your own, and other students', writing, and that I found very useful.

  6. I've had an acceptance from Ireland's Own and Yours Fiction Special in the last week. Both markets I only know about because of the blog, so many thanks, Patsy.

  7. I was writer of the week on The People's Friend blog this week plus a short story in the weekly mag. Have subbed a few stories but had no acceptances as yet. Am now concentrating on a new Pocket Novel and editing another which Maggie has asked for a bit of a rewrite.
    Well done on the Hemmets story, Patsy.

  8. @ Carrie – it is weirdly quiet, isn't it? I wonder if editors are not wanting to send rejections and add to the bad news we face?

    @ Alan – Glad you're able to make good use of your time and congratulations on all your siccesses.

    @ Liz – well done on the sale. I can understand you concentrating on PF. As we always get a response, and often some feedback too, there's not that feeling of throwing work into a black hole we get with other magazines.

    @ Patricia – thanks for the link. I've heard good things about Futurelearn courses. They cover lots of subjects, so could be good for research too.

    @ Alyson – Congratulations! So great to hear of good news, especially if I had a tiny part in bringing it about.

    @ Niddy – Well done, Niddy! Good luck with the rewrite.

  9. Patsy, if it's any help the first sentence translates as:- 'I was late as usual.'

  10. Then it goes 'But now it was all about Marin's wedding'. (I think!)

  11. "Only I was forced to do something drastic."

  12. @ Geraldine – thank you, yes! It didn't help that Allas changed the names I used and then Hemmets changed the ones Allas used! I should probably pick some which aren't members of ABBA!

  13. Please excuse the excessive use of exclamation marks in my last comment. I expected lockdown to be more exciting, so stockpiled some at the end of March and now it's close to their best before date and I have to use them up quickly.

  14. New girl on the block23 April 2020 at 12:37

    Thanks, Patricia, for the info about the Futurelearn course. I'm doing it, and so is another member of my writing group. Enjoying it so far, although still only on week 1.

  15. I did a Google search and the title of your Hemmet story translates to The Art of Catching Time, Patsy, if that helps. Well done on getting it in there, it's always fun to see your work translated into another language.

    Writing-wise, I emailed a children's story to Storytime magazine this morning, emailed an entry to the Best short story comp during the week, and started a new cosy crime one today which dawned on me during a sleepless night.

    You're right, it is strangely quiet on the magazine front at the moment, no one seems to be communicating much. That said, I heard from Emma at Woman's Weekly yesterday that a story which appeared in one of the Specials last year, Child's Play, is going to get another airing in early June, this time in Woman. I hadn't realised Woman was featuring fiction again, so will have to get a copy. I also bought Best this week, before sending my comp entry, and there was a short story in it, a neat twist in the tail. Hopefully fiction is going to be a regular feature again, although whether they'll be open to freelancers I'm still trying to find out.

    Use up those stockpiled exclamation marks quickly, Patsy, I've found they really wilt fast once the sell-by date's passed, end up looking like fallen trees ./ ._


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