

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

All the usual stuff


Womag News

I believe that everyone who had a story published in Seven Days has now been paid. If you haven't then contact Siobhan. 

I have a story in the current People's Friend Special :-) Acceptances and rejections are taking a long time to come through – mostly due to the enormous number of submissions I suspect. The best way to get a relatively quick reply is to send stories of 2,000 or 3,000 words for whichever season they're looking for – 

summer is probably your best bet right now. In my experience non seasonal stories aren't read as quickly as seasonal ones. If you submit work of 1,200 words be prepared for a really long wait.

If you're unsure what or how to submit to YOU magazine, see the comments to last week's post, especially the helpful summary by Sharon Boothroyd

Womag competition news

Best magazine are running another short story competition. This time the theme is pets. Sorry, I can't make the t&c's readable with a screenshot – see the Feb 1st issue for full details.

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Susie Morgan for reminding me that the Anansi Archive Awards weren't just a one off. They run every quarter and offer small cash prizes in three categories – poetry, flash fiction and short stories. The current round ends at the end of the month.

For this competition from Plozee you need to sign up (free) then write a post of at least 250 characters on one of the posted topics. There are much more detailed instructions on the site and there's a prize of $100.

Calls for submissions

I don't know anything about this Canadian publisher except that they emailed me to say they're inviting non-fiction proposals.

The animal pictures are just because there's a cat in the thing from Best. I'll probably be back to flowers next time – unless you have requests.


  1. Brilliant Patsy, thanks for all the information above

  2. Elizabeth McGinty9 February 2022 at 09:08

    Many thanks Patsy as always much appreciated.

  3. Thanks, Patsy :) By the way, has anyone heard back from the new fiction editor this year? I've sent a couple of stories since January but heard nowt. I'm guessing if I don't hear, I'll wait 8 weeks as mentioned in a previous post.

  4. I should have added, the new fiction editor at YOU! Sorry :)

  5. Thanks as always for the information and the competitions, Patsy.
    Did eventually get paid by SevenDays.
    We are issue buddies in TPF 221.

  6. That makes sense to submit only seasonal stuff.

  7. Thank you very much Patsy. There's lots to think about there.

  8. Thanks for all the info Patsy. Really helpful as always. Sharon H

  9. I can get my Christmas face on, but I do find other 'seasonal' difficult to get in to... another challenge, eh? :) Keeps me on my toes. Thank you for all the info. Currently looking in to the Parsec from last time.

  10. I'm still waiting for a response to my last submission, but I'm looking on that as a positive, since rejections generally come quite quickly. At least I seem to have made a second reading

  11. Thanks for the competition info, Patsy. I Can’t think of an animal story off the top of my head, but it reminded me of a story I wrote about a budgie back in the 80’s for a writer’s group I attended when I was in my teens. I don’t have it anymore, but it made me think I could perhaps rewrite it and give it a more contemporary feel as I do remember the plot quite well.
    Michael D

  12. Is anyone having any trouble getting paid by Woman's weekly? They also ditched a story of mine last year. I had to chase to find that out.

  13. @ Sheelagh, Elizabeth, Marion and Sharon H – Thanks for commenting! It's great to know people find posts useful.

    @ Carrie – I haven't had anything except the automatic responses and haven't heard from anyone who has.

    @ Alyson – I'm glad it got sorted – and yay for being issue buddies!

    @ Alex – It does!

    @ Marguerite – I often write at the time of year a story is set. That means I have to wait to sub it, but as a womagwriter I'm used to having to wait!

    @ Cathy – If you mean TPF then yes, a longer wait is often a good sign as it suggests you've got through the first stage.

    @ Michael – rewriting and updating your story sounds like a good idea.

    @ Sharon – I've not submitted to them since they started taking all rights, but I do recall the system for getting paid was on the complicated side. Fortunately back then the fiction eds were helpful and supportive towards their writers and made sure things got sorted out. I hope your current issue is resolved soon.

  14. Many thanks for supportive and kind words, Patsy.
    It's a mistake they've made on their system but they don't seem willing to solve it quickly and easily.
    It's very hard work for and a lot of stress and hassle on my part.
    I have a feeling that I'm just not going to be paid.
    I guess I'll have to learn to let the fee go (which is what they want me to do) and not write for WW in the future.
    It's a shame, but I reckon they don't see it that way.

  15. UPDATE re: the WW situation above - it's all sorted!
    It's taken time, but it's now resolved. Phew - it's such a relief for me.
    Thank goodness WW finally managed to resolve it!

  16. New girl on the block15 February 2022 at 17:23

    I don't usually do simultaneous submissions, as I feel it will only lead to confusion. However, I have a pet story out with another mag, and I'm quite tempted to send the same one to the Best competition. Does this seem like a good idea to anyone?

  17. @ Sharon – I'm glad it's finally been sorted out. Must be a big relief – and hopefully you won't have further problems.

    @ New Girl – I strongly advise you not to send the same story to two different magazines at the same time. It would be far better to write a new one than take the risk of getting caught out and annoying both editors.

  18. New girl on the block16 February 2022 at 15:44

    Thanks for the good advice!

  19. Hi Patsy
    I have recently submitted a 3000 word story to The People's Friend. I submitted on the Friday and got my answer on the Monday. So very quick for a 3000 word story. It was a rejection (again!) but at least I didn't have to wait long!


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