

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Until next year...

This will be my last post until next year. By then the days will be getting lighter (for those in the northern hemisphere), most of the festive food will have been eaten and we'll all be making great progress with our 2024 plans and resolutions ... or at least thinking about getting started on them, or feeling pleased we've not made any.

Next year is also when I'll be releasing the first book in my cosy mystery series. As part of the marketing plan I'm trying to build up my newsletter mailing list. To help do that I'm taking part in a joint promotion with other authors of mystery, thriller and suspense books. Around 70 of us are offering a free book (some samples. some full novels) to those who join our lists. If you're interested in reading that genre, take a look here and pick up some freebies. You can take part whether or not you're on my mailing list and can sign up for as many, or few, as you wish – and of course you can unsubscribe from any of them at any time.

Thanks to Aly Rhodes for the link to this free to enter competition – and also this one.

Until 2024, Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, Best wishes for the New Year – basically I hope you enjoy yourself in your own way, no matter how and what you celebrate.

I'd love to hear about some of the things you enjoy about this time of year. 

For me, it's walks on clear bright days, Christmas pudding, getting cosy under a blanket to read, listening to traditional carols, a glass of Baileys, shiny lights, excessive baking, and of course being in contact with loved ones.

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Over To You


Do you have any womag news?

Any market news? Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Don't forget to check the submissions database for details of which magazines publish fiction under what terms, and how to submit.

Thanks to everyone for your comments. As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments also show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to provide information for me to share with you.

(Edited to say - there will be one more post before Christmas, then I'll be taking a break until sometime in the New Year year.)

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Virtually saying it with flowers

Thanks to everyone for your good wishes and comments on the last post, and for the lovely virtual flowers! Sorry I'm not getting time to reply to everyone, but I do read and appreciate them all. 

Here are a few flowers in return.

btw, I changed something on my computer and can now see the adverts on this blog. Sorry, I can't avoid them. Please be VERY cautious of any of the writing ones. I definitely DO NOT endorse the companies concerned. Some might well be fine, but I saw one requesting submissions which is a well known vanity company.

Call for submissions

Thanks to Fiona (who has a story in this year's anthology) for this call for submissions to Bridge House Publishing. The authors of selected stories will get a share of the royalties and can buy books at a discounted rate.

Free entry writing competitions

This short story competition has the theme of near future manned space exploration and offers paid publication to the winner.

Here's a Valentine's poetry competition with a prize of £100 in vouchers.

Thanks to Alyson for the link to this flash fiction competition. The prize is a £50 voucher.

Thanks to Fiona for the link to this short story competition from W&AYB which offers an Arvon course, worth £850 as the prize, and also for this one. You'll need to read all the info carefully, but it looks as though they're open to almost anything creative about a particular area of Colchester – 
Submissions could be in the form of, but are not limited to, poems, riddles, local advice, anecdotes, short stories, photography with captions, short films or spoken word. There doesn't seem to be a requirement to live locally. The top prize is £300.

My news

I've not had time to work on short stories, but have made reasonable progress with my cosy crime novel series. The second book is now with my lovely beta readers. 

As part of my marketing efforts for this series, which will launch early next year, I've created a short ebook to introduce the location and some of the characters. That's available to anyone who'd like to sign up for my newsletter. If you've already had a link to download the book, then you're already signed up. (This newsletter is about my own writing – it's not an email version of this blog. Sadly I've not been able to get that working properly.)

Saturday, 2 December 2023

The latest...

Free entry competition / submission opportunity

Thanks to Marguerite for the link to this short story competition for horror writers. The best will be published and win an Amazon gift card.

I've heard from Doug at Witcraft who are currently running a free entry competition.

Send us skilfully written stories that are brief, humorous and engaging, with the emphasis on wit, word play, absurdity and inspired nonsense. No entry fee. Submissions close December 15, 2023. Word limits: 200-1000. First prize A$50, second prize A$20, third prize A$10, payable via Paypal only.

Witcraft are also open to submissions. 

Personal stuff

The family situation I previously mentioned is still ongoing. We're caring for my elderly mother-in-law, who until recently was very independent. She currently requires multiple visits to provide basic care each day. We are getting some help, but as her only other child lives over four hours away and has numerous commitments we're doing most of it. It was hoped that a procedure earlier this week would make a big difference. Unfortunately although it has improved her quality of life she's a long way from regaining her independence. 

Please bear with me if blog posts are lacking in well-researched content, seem thrown together or as though I went out halfway through writing them.

Writing, and the support of writing friends, has been a huge help to me throughout this. Some of the readers of this blog have previously said that feeling connected to other writers via the comments helps them in different ways. For that reason I'll do my best to keep putting up posts.

There isn't anything you can do to help with the family situation (we're getting professional advice and support) but you can help me feel better about largely neglecting this blog by leaving comments to encourage and support each other, and share the news and information I'm not keeping up with.

If you'd like to say something sympathetic, or to cheer me up, please comment with the name of a flower. I'll gather them together into a posie of good wishes.

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Free entry writing competitions


Thank you to everyone for your kind words in response to my last post, and your understanding of the fact I'm not able to spend much time on the blog at the moment. The family situation is ... ongoing.  By early December things should have changed - hopefully very much for the better. 

In the meantime, there's cake!

Free entry writing competitions

Thanks to Alyson for the link to this flash fiction competition. There's a £50 gift voucher as a prize.

Here's a crime novel competition (for people born or living in Britain only) with cash and an offer of representation by a literary agent as the prize.

Saturday, 18 November 2023

Over To You

 Do you have any womag news?

Any market news? Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome.

In case you missed it, there's some quite vague, but positive sounding news from The People's Friend here. What do you think they're up to? I'm guessing anthologies, or maybe audio books or a podcast ... OK, I have no idea!

Sorry that I'm not responding to comments or tracking down much info for the blog at the moment. I'm totally fine myself, as is Gary, but a family member has problems and doing what we can for them is taking up a lot of our time. I've managed some writing, and have tweaked my website a bit. 

I changed hosting companies so was forced to sort it out or have it offline until I did. Luckily two brilliant friends have been helping me with reassurance and technical advice.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Don't forget to check the submissions database for details of which magazines publish fiction under what terms, and how to submit.

Free entry writing competition news

Thanks to Fiona for the link to the Love Letters to London competition. There are four prizes of £500 on offer – which makes me feel suddenly fond of the place! There are classes for poetry and not poetry.

Thanks to everyone for your comments which offer support and encouragement to me and each other. That's always appreciated, but even more so when I can't respond as much as I'd like.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

No news is... ?

Thank you so much to everyone who downloaded my free mini mystery and/or helped some way in letting others know about it. There were an encouraging number of downloads in the first week. It's remaining free, so you're not too late to get a copy and/or spread the word. The support is hugely appreciated.

Even more thanks to those of you who have left a review or rating, or will do so once you've read it. Seeing those 4 and 5 stars, and knowing people like my character Amelia, really boosted my mood in what was otherwise a difficult week. I'm fine - there's just some 'stuff'. 

Because of 'stuff' we've not been away in the van, so you get photos of the garden, and I've had time for novel writing. I'm now halfway through the second draft of what will be the second book in my cosy crime series.

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Alyson for the link to this short story competition. There's £1,000 on offer for the best crime story set in Scotland.

Here's a crime novel competition. There's a decent cash prize plus the offer of representation. I'm considering entering, but you probably won't want to. Nobody should really - just me!

This competition is only open to people who've lived, studied or worked in Cheshire. (I've probably written a few paragraphs while the van was parked in the county. That might count?) There are cash prizes and book tokens available. There are categories for short stories, plays and poetry.

Womag news

If you've not seen The People's Friend fiction editor's blog recently, and are interested in writing for that market, then I suggest reading the last two posts. (No depressing news, I promise.)

Personally I'd been feeling a bit despondent about the whole womag market - mostly because I never seemed to hear back about my own work and the more general news I was sharing here wasn't exactly cheery. Then I got a remittance advice for a My Weekly story. I'd thought that all my last batch had been rejected. They hadn't, I'd just not received the acceptance.

The following day I had notification that two of my stories are in the current TAB Fiction Feast. The published stories had been accepted quite some time ago and I'd not heard from the editor in what seems like ages so hadn't been hopeful.

The point I'm attempting to make is that although we'll go for periods with no good news, perhaps some bad, we should try not to let it get us down. If we keep writing and sending out work, the next email might well be good news. I really hope there's some on the way to all of you.

Saturday, 28 October 2023

Thanks - now and in advance

In a comment on a recent post, Sue referred to this blog as a  'forum where we can ask questions and for help without feeling daft! Such warm support is absolutely priceless.' Thanks, Sue!

Years ago when Kath McGurl ran this blog I found useful information here and got help and encouragement. I'm so pleased that's still continuing decades later. It's not just down to me, not by a long way, and I'm really grateful to those of you who contribute in various ways. The questions and answers, the information, support and encouragement shared here make the time I spend on the blog feel worthwhile.

Thanks to Pamela Gough for the link (posted as a recent comment) to this (very) short story competition from The Writer's Bureau. The prize is one of their courses. Have any of you done a WB course? If so, what did you think of it?

My news

I've recently released a short free ebook. It might seem daft to give books away, but I do have a reason. Unearthing The Truth has the same lead character as my novel Acting Like A Killer and the hope is that some of those who read the free one might go on to buy the novel. 

What do you think of that marketing strategy? Are you tempted to download the free book? (please do!) Would reading a short story you enjoyed encourage you to read a novel featuring the same lead character?

You can download the freebie from Apple or Amazon here. Or get it from other retailers here. The novel is available from those same places, or can be requested through your library.

Downloading the free book and/or telling others about it, sharing posts etc would be very much appreciated, so thank you if you do!

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Over To You


Do you have any womag news?

Any market news? Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Don't forget to check the submissions database for details of which magazines publish fiction under what terms, and how to submit.

Free entry competitions

On the Premises have a flash fiction competition. You have 25 - 50 words on the subject of food, and the prize is $35. You could buy something really nice to eat with that!

Thank you to Sharon Boothroyd for the link to this poetry competition, which offers a £100 prize.

Thanks to everyone for your comments. As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments also show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to provide information for me to share with you.

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Four freebies and six bargains!

 Free entry competition news

Thanks to HB for sending me the details of the details of the latest Best fiction competition. Sorry I can't make the t&cs big enough to read. I think the magazine will still be in the shops.

I may have mentioned the Tom Gallon prize in a previous post, but with £2,000 on offer for 5,000 words I don't want anyone to miss the opportunity. (You need to have had at least one short story published to be eligible.)

 Thanks to Sharon Boothroyd to the link to this flash fiction competition. They want 100 words and are offering a £1,000 top prize.

And thanks to Alyson for this one. You've got up to 5,000 words and any genre you like to try to win $1,000.

Call for submissions

Galley Beggar are currently open for submissions of literary novels, in any genre, by female authors. My style isn't literary, otherwise I'd be tempted to send them my latest effort.

My news

All of my novel ebooks are currently on offer for 99p/99c (usual price £3.49 / $4.99) Offer ends 16th October 2023.

Leave Nothing But Footprints

Sharing a campervan in the beautiful Welsh countryside sounds, idyllic and Jess always gets what she wants – but is Eliot more than she can handle?

Paint Me A Picture

Mavis, aged 53, is finally able to live her own life. Will she survive the freedom to do as she pleases?


Alice has always had the hots for firemen. Is that why Hamish lights her fire, or is it something more?

A romantic comedy with a few flames.

Escape To The Country

Can Duncan the Dishy Tractor driver and Aunt Jayne's love potions mend Leah's broken heart?

A countryside romance.

A Year And A Day

Stella doesn't believe a word the gypsy said about her romantic future, especially the part about proving her predictions are true.

Acting Like A killer

Mystery fan Amelia Watson thinks she's too busy for romance, until she meets Patrick Homes. And she thinks she enjoys murder until she witnesses the real thing.

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Quick update on YOURS

It's been pointed out to me that the YOURS website still shows fiction submission guidelines, and these appear to have been updated within the last few days. I have checked in case either the information I posted recently was incorrect, or there had been a change of policy. Unfortunately that's not the case.  

Saturday, 30 September 2023

Three for free

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Fiona for the details of this competition. As she says, 'Quite a lot of conditions of entry for this competition (so not for me), but would be great if someone from the Womag community won the prize! What is for everyone are the resources on the website, including a Writers’ Toolkit section which is worth a visit."

Thanks to Marguerite for this link to the Weird Christmas short story competition. It's very strange and there's a cash prize.

Here's a horror short story competition for unpublished authors. The prize is $500.

My news

After reading all sorts of things into the reason a publisher I subbed my cosy crime novel to hadn't replied after two months, when the website said I'd hear in one, I plucked up the courage to send a query.

The never received my submission! I'm not sure why as it was done via their own form and appeared to go through OK. 

Oh well, these things happen and it gives me more time to work on the second in the series. I'm now more than halfway through the first draft of that one. I'm very pleased with my progress. 

Despite a recent trip during which we visited lots of castles and abbeys, climbed a few hills and had a day out at a garden, I still wrote every day. (I'll be sending out a newsletter fairly soon, with more photos of that trip, and more about my writing. You can sign up here if you'd like to be on the mailing list.)

How is your writing going? Have you developed a writing routine which works for you?

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Sad news about YOURS

I've been seeing various rumours about Bauer adopting a policy of only using previously published fiction in their magazines (for which they wouldn't have to pay as the most recent contracts either give them all rights for accepted material, or allow for reuse).

After contact with a reliable source, I can confirm that this is the case for Yours magazine, and that after many years Marion Clarke is to lose her job as fiction editor there. I didn't sell many stories to that market, but Marion's name is one of the first which I wrote on the A4 envelopes I sent out my first submissions in. I'm sure that, like me, all those who've worked with her wish her well for the future. 

This news is very disappointing for writers - and seems unfair to readers too.

My source (very credible but currently wishing to remain anonymous - which makes me feel like a proper journo!) says that they believe Take a Break will continue to accept new submissions. I certainly hope that's the case!

Anyone got any good news to share?

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Over To You

Do you have any womag news?

Any market news? Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome.

Free entry writing competitions

Thanks very much to Sharon Boothroyd for the link to this ghost story competition with a £100 prize. The stories should be set where you live. I'm really tempted to write a haunted campervan tale – I'm currently in mine, so surely that would count?

This competition is for a book (any genre fiction or non fiction) about a person with a chronic condition or disability. The book must be published between November last year and October this year - self published is fine. There's a £1,000 prize.

This competition is just for novels. They must be the first book by an author over 40. It can be published or unpublished. The prize if £4,000.

And this one is for short stories. £2,000 prize.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Don't forget to check the submissions database for details of which magazines publish fiction under what terms, and how to submit.

Thanks to everyone for your comments. As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments also show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to provide information for me to share with you.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Autumn awaits

Summer was a bit variable, wasn't it? Maybe things will settle down as we move into autumn and maybe not, but a new season always feels to me like a new opportunity to get things done and hopefully achieve positive results. Do you feel the same way?

Free entry writing competitions

Here's a short story competition with a £500 prize.

Thanks to Fiona for the link to this competition. Both short stories and poems can be entered, but only by women who were born, or have lived, in Scotland. Do you think a couple of months in a campervan counts?

Fiona also reminded me about the Commonwealth short story prize. For those who qualify, this really is an excellent opportunity.

And thank you to Sharon Boothroyd for sending the link to this riddle writing competition which offers a £200 prize. As Sharon says, it does sound like fun.

Womag news

It seems that, after some time out of office, April from Best of WW is now back to accepting stories and answering queries. If you've got work which has been outstanding for a while, or unanswered pitches or questions, now might be a good time to give her a nudge. Note – this market takes all rights. I don't recommend subbing there for that reason.

If you submitted a story to The People's Friend, prior to 2022 and have not yet had a response, then the story hasn't been successful. See here for more details - and news about Christmas stories.

I'm hopeful that this has cleared the decks a bit and responses will now be swifter than has sometimes been the case over the last couple of years.

My news

The first book in my cosy crime series has been sent to a variety of publishers. It will most likely be a couple of months before I hear back from the majority of them. Those who reply that is, not all do.
While I wait, I'm working on book 2. The first draft is over a quarter complete. Most of my writing time is spent on that, but I have written and submitted a few womag stories.